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The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards
ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Ms. Beate Andrees: "Inclusive social dialogue is the key to addressing major transitions in the world of work".
The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work
ILO Director-General welcomes Türkiye's government’ and social partners' commitment to social dialogue.
ILO promotes Social Solidarity Economy and Green Jobs in Türkiye
Fundamental Labour Rights Project organizes Training of Trainers for Social Partners
A Training of Trainers Workshop was organized for the experts who will run the training programme developed under the Fundamental Labour Rights Project. “The environment for discussion that was created, in which representatives of both the worker and employer sides had the chance to share their views and, more importantly, understand each other, was particularly valuable."
Inclusive employment for persons with disabilities discussed in a multi-faceted way at the workshop with public, private sector and social partners
At the "Strengthening Employment for People with Disabilities: Collaborative Solutions Workshop" organized by the ILO Office in Turkey, participants discussed the employment of persons with disabilities from a multidimensional perspective based on the principles of diversity and inclusion. They exchanged views and information on overcoming the challenges on the inclusive employment.
ILO’s voices
How decent work for all paves the way to dignity and productivity
The ILO’s Project on Promoting Decent Work for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens works for contributing to building empowered societies that are equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. The project equips workers and job seekers with work-based learning and new skills, provides support to both employers and workers for creating and retaining new jobs, besides disseminates correct and comprehensive information about the access to formal work and training opportunities. Watch to hear ILO’s project staff speaking about how and why.
An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project September – December 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter provides information on the activities from September to December2023 covering a 4-month period of the project “An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye”.
ILO and Anadolu Isuzu collaborate for gender equality in the world of work
The International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Türkiye and Anadolu Isuzu have inked a cooperation protocol promoting gender equality in the world of work and increasing the employment of women.
Strong women invest in society: Inclusive social protection benefits for all
Selen Canoğulları, a woman entrepreneur, enjoys the harmonious working environment in her company while not only appreciating but implementing the inclusiveness and providing social protection for all. Canoğulları benefits from the support of the Transition to Formality Programme (locally known as KIGEP) and represents a good example of the fact that investing in women means investing in society.
ILO to support constituents and implementing partners in Türkiye on improving communication and advocacy skills for decent work and social protection
The ILO Office for Türkiye and ITCILO convened in a two-day workshop training on 27-28 February 2024 dedicated officers from tripartite constituents and implementing partners to strengthen and consolidate a shared understanding and knowledge of fundamental decent work and social protection principles and building competencies in communication and advocacy.
Labour Inspection and Guidance Project organizes "Strategic Compliance Planning" and "Standardization of Labour Inspection and Guidance Workflows" Workshops
The participants of the workshops contributed to the development of a strategic compliance model and plan, as well as draft workflows for the Directorate for Guidance and Inspection
YASSER HASSAN, ILO Director for Türkiye
Commemorating the lost lives with sorrow, ILO works for the recovery from the devastating earthquakes.
My work with earthquake survivors in Türkiye gives me purpose
When multiple earthquakes struck Türkiye and Syria on 6 February 2023, Jin Dawod set to work matching survivors with therapists through her platform Peace Therapist. A Syrian refugee living in Türkiye, she knows first-hand how critical psycho-social support is to help people recover from trauma.
Constituents from Türkiye formulate a way forward on advancing decent work through responsible business and investment
As one of the fastest growing economies in the OECD, Türkiye plays an important role in the area of trade and investment, both regionally and globally. In this regard, the government has placed responsible business conduct and human rights due diligence high on the political agenda. To address these priorities, a delegation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security as well as representatives from employers’ and workers’ organizations from Türkiye participated in a four-day workshop at the ITC-ILO, (16 -19 January, 2024). The workshop aimed at unpacking the concepts of trade and investment for sustainable development, responsible business conduct, human rights due diligence using the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social policy (MNE Declaration) as the overall framework. The workshop concluded with a strong agreement and firm commitment of the tripartite constituents on the development of a way forward for Türkiye on how to further strengthen an enabling environment for the promotion of sustainable trade, investment and business practices for the realization of decent work in Türkiye.
One more child smiles…
ILO Offers Training to Agricultural Labour Intermediaries
The training seeks to enhance the understanding and awareness of agricultural labour intermediaries of the efforts to combat child labour, key actors in the integration of seasonal agricultural workers into the workforce, thereby supporting the reduction of child labour.
ILO Introduces “ILO-IOE Guidelines on Combating Child Labour for Companies” to Private Sector Representatives
An informative seminar on the historical process and the current status of human rights in the business world was organised for representatives of private sector Black Sea Exporters' Association members.
ILO Offers Training to Teachers on Combating Child Labour
The goal is to enhance the understanding and awareness of teachers in the efforts to combat child labour among the seasonal agricultural workforce, thereby contributing to the reduction of child labour.
Annual monitoring meeting of the women's employment program emphasizes the transformative role of the ILO and the importance of continued training
Challenges of providing and sustaining decent jobs discussed and lessons-learned exchanged by the ILO and its Turkish partners
At the partners coordination meeting of the Project on “Promoting Decent Work for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens”, the ILO and 82 specialists from public institutions and municipalities highlighted their willingness and decisiveness to contribute to safe and productive working environments and well-functioning labour markets at all levels.
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