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Regulation of working times, driving times and rest periods for commercial vehicle drivers: a comparative study
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Regulation of working times, driving times and rest periods for commercial vehicle drivers: a comparative study

This report contributes to filling an information gap by providing a comparative view of the regulation of working times and driving times in the road transport sector. Through detailed research, it explores the various legislations and regulations implemented by countries and international organizations, focusing on the approach and normative instruments of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is complemented by comparative tables and fact sheets that provide details on national and international regulations.

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work
WESO The Value of Essential Work Cover image with essential workers

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work

Key workers are essential for societies to function. This report calls for a revaluation of their work to reflect their social contribution, and for greater investment in key sectors.

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]
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Executive Summary

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]

Key workers are essential for societies to function. This report calls for a revaluation of their work to reflect their social contribution, and for greater investment in key sectors.

Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World
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Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World

Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World provides a comprehensive review of both main aspects of working time – working hours and working time arrangements (also called work schedules) – and their effects on workers' work-life balance.

L'orario di lavoro nel mondo e la conciliazione del lavoro con la vita privata
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L'orario di lavoro nel mondo e la conciliazione del lavoro con la vita privata

Il Rapporto fornisce una rassegna completa degli aspetti principali dell’orario di lavoro e dell'organizzazione dei tempi di lavoro, come pure dei loro effetti sulla conciliazione del lavoro con la vita privata dei lavoratori.

Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces [Summary]
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Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces [Summary]

Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces
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Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces

Imprese più verdi: Trasformare i processi produttivi e i luoghi di lavoro — Sintesi del rapporto
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Imprese più verdi: Trasformare i processi produttivi e i luoghi di lavoro — Sintesi del rapporto

Towards more effective labour protection for all workers and increased resilience of the economy
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Employment Working Group

Towards more effective labour protection for all workers and increased resilience of the economy

This paper prepared by the International Labour Organization (ILO) together with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the 2nd G20 Employment Working Group meeting addresses the need to adapt and revise labour protection measures to match the increasing diversity of working arrangements. The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of inclusive labour protection for the resilience of workers, their families, and business sustainability. To reduce inequalities and across workers and to strengthen their resilience in the face of new crises, labour protection needs to be inclusive, adequate and effective. This involves strengthening and extending existing forms of labour protection, while also exploring new forms of protection, and improving their implementation through more effective compliance strategies.

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022
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Executive Summary

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022

This ILO flagship report details the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the world of work.

Syrian Refugees in Turkey Since 2014
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Syrian Refugees in Turkey Since 2014

Towards a human-centred agenda: Human resource management in the BRICS countries in the face of global challenges
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Towards a human-centred agenda: Human resource management in the BRICS countries in the face of global challenges

This book examines novel evidence of human-centred human resources management (HRM) practices in five leading emerging economies, namely Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa.

Purchasing practices and working conditions in global supply chains: Results from field work in Bangladesh, China, India, South Africa and Turkey
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Purchasing practices and working conditions in global supply chains: Results from field work in Bangladesh, China, India, South Africa and Turkey

Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
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Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka

This report presents a range of findings from the joint ILO and World Bank Study completed in partnership with the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka. The report shows the key areas of inconsistency discovered between the labour force survey and multi-topic living standards survey, how those inconsistencies were addressed across a range of topics including the measurement of employment, labour underutilization and own-use production work. In addition the report highlights the range of valuable data that can be generated when the 19th ICLS standards are applied through household surveys.

Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
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Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka

This report highlights the key findings from the Joint ILO and World Bank Study completed in partnership with the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka. In addition it highlights the key lessons learned and recommendations for household surveys seeking to measure in line with the latest international statistical standards, in particular those adopted at the 19th ICLS.

Rendere il lavoro dignitoso una realtà per i lavoratori domestici – Sintesi del rapporto
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Rendere il lavoro dignitoso una realtà per i lavoratori domestici – Sintesi del rapporto

Things employers should know: Working hours and rest periods
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Labour Code 2019

Things employers should know: Working hours and rest periods

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021
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World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021

In 2020, an estimated 8.8 per cent of total working hours were lost – the equivalent of the hours worked in one year by 255 million full-time workers. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world of work.

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021
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Executive Summary

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021

In 2020, an estimated 8.8 per cent of total working hours were lost – the equivalent of the hours worked in one year by 255 million full-time workers. This summary indicator captures the various channels through which the pandemic has affected labour markets.

How to amend the Sri Lankan labour law to include flexible working arrangements?
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Training Policy Brief

How to amend the Sri Lankan labour law to include flexible working arrangements?

The aim of this policy brief is to identify the required changes in the Labour Law framework in Sri Lanka in order to make it conducive to flexible work arrangements. It put forward three recommendations in order to concretize this goal.