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ILO Transitional Cooperation Strategy for Ukraine 2024-2025
The 4-page leaflet describes the strategy proposed by the ILO to support the recovery and development of Ukraine in 2024-2025. The ILO proposes an integrated, multi-track and three-pillar approach shaped by consultations with its constituents in Ukraine and aligned with ILO principles on decent work.

ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 3
Impact of the war in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 3

ILO in Syria Early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-hit areas (February – December 2023)
In response to multiple earthquakes that devastated Northern governorates of Syria, the International Labour Organization (ILO) mobilized internal crisis response funds to embark on employment-intensive infrastructure and livelihoods recovery initiatives in Aleppo, one of the worst-hit areas.

ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 2
Impact of the escalation of hostilities in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 2

ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 1
Impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Assessing the Local Labour Market Dynamics and Skills Needs Following the Earthquakes in Türkiye

Rapid Assessment of the Needs of Households and Workers Affected by the Earthquake in Aleppo- Syria 2023
This report aims to better understand the needs of households and workers affected by the February 2023 earthquake which struck the Syrian city of Aleppo, parts of which were severely damaged.

ILO Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus (HDPN)
EIIP activities contribute to peacebuilding by addressing the drivers of conflict.

Vanuatu Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin 2023: Post Disaster Needs Assessment

Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia: Implications for Adaptive Social Protection ambitions
Among the wide range of possible roles of social insurance, this report aims to explore the potential of social insurance schemes in addressing climate risk and minimizing the impacts of related shocks in Indonesia.

Impact of the February 2023 Earthquakes on Employment and the Labour Market in Syria
This note seeks to estimate the effect of the recent earthquakes on the employment and livelihoods sector in the affected areas in Syria and aims to understand the current situation and identify areas of need that require immediate action in order to support quick and inclusive recovery.

The effects of the February 2023 earthquake on the labour market in Türkiye

No Escape: Assessing the relationship between slavery-related abuse and internal displacement in Nigeria, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and Walk Free conducted a study to estimate the prevalence of slavery-related abuse among people who experienced displacement.

Pakistan floods 2022: Post Disaster Needs Assessment - Supplemental Report

ILO Ukraine response November 2022
The two-pager provides information on the impact of the war in Ukraine on employment, incomes and the social protection system, and what the ILO has done so far to support Ukraine.

Support for Ukraine recovery−Introducing the ILO service offer 2022
This document presents the service offer of the ILO for contributing to Ukraine Recovery and Reconstruction through decent work promotion. Based on the presence of the ILO in Ukraine since 1993, the paper specifies the technical service offer of the ILO for an early recovery of Ukraine focusing on mitigating the impact of the war against Ukraine on employment, social protection, rights at work, and social dialogue.

ILO Pakistan flood response - A job-rich recovery
Between June and August 2022, torrential rains and a combination of riverine, urban, and flash flooding led to an unprecedented disaster in Pakistan. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), around 33 million people have been affected by the floods, including nearly 8 million displaced. Around 4.3 million people have faced disruption or loss of employment. The short to medium term strategy is linked to the long-term strategy articulated in the Decent Work Country Programme 2023-2027. Emergency response and early recovery is linked to a job-rich inclusive strategy for reconstruction and resilience and to long-term socio-economic development.

Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces

Imprese più verdi: Trasformare i processi produttivi e i luoghi di lavoro — Sintesi del rapporto

Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces [Summary]
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