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Skills Matter!
Skills Matter cover

Skills development

Skills Matter!

The continuum of interventions allowed for meaningful changes in people’s lives, in institutions’ capacity, in companies’ productivity and in the way the TVET system operates. The ILO interventions, with the support of the European Union and the Government of Canada, aim to strengthen the skills system governance, the development of skills policies and qualifications frameworks; the delivery of quality skills training and certification, and the inclusiveness of TVET. They include the European Union funded TVET-Reform project (2007-15) and Skills 21 project (2017-24), and the Government of Canada funded B-SEP project (2013-19), ProGRESS project (2022-27); and ISEC project (2022-25); ISEC is partially funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands.This brochure captures the main changes these projects brought forward for people, institutions, and companies.

ILO-IOM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2028 on Migration in the Americas
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ILO-IOM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2028 on Migration in the Americas

To implement the Global Agreement on Migration between the ILO and the IOM in the Americas, both agencies have elaborated a Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2028, which consists of 4 outcomes, 12 products, and 41 activities.

Joint Regional Work Plan for the Implementation of the Global Agreement in the Americas for the period 2023-2025
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Joint Regional Work Plan for the Implementation of the Global Agreement in the Americas for the period 2023-2025

The adoption of these global frameworks and the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created a new momentum for the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to strengthen collaboration at all levels on migration issues.

ILO-OIM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2025 on Migration in the Americas
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ILO-OIM Joint Regional Work Plan 2023-2025 on Migration in the Americas

In the Latin America and the Caribbean region, the ILO and the IOM have a history of working together. They have become key actors supporting Member States, social partners, and other stakeholders in ensuring a safe, orderly, and regular migration in order to attain sustainable development and decent work.

Employer survey of internal labour market mobility: promoting a more flexible workforce in Kuwait
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Policy Brief

Employer survey of internal labour market mobility: promoting a more flexible workforce in Kuwait

Compared with its neighbours, the sponsorship system in Kuwait is one of the most rigid in the Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC) region. This policy brief on internal labour market mobility is based on an exploratory survey of 198 companies that responded to the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI)-ILO survey between December 2022 to March 2023, and a meeting organized by KCCI, ILO and the International Organization for Employers (IOE) on 7 March 2023. The results demonstrate an interest among the private sector for simpler and less onerous rules on migrant workers being able to change employers in Kuwait, such as the mobility reforms introduced in neighbouring GCC countries. The policy brief makes a number of recommendations regarding policy reforms that could ensure a more dynamic labour market in Kuwait, and stronger compliance with international labour standards.

Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia
Cover page of Project brief Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia

Project brief

Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia

Profile of Portugal’s Young NEETs
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Profile of Portugal’s Young NEETs

Return and reintegration in Uganda: Lessons from the FAIRWAY programme
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ILO Brief

Return and reintegration in Uganda: Lessons from the FAIRWAY programme

Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour
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New global estimates

Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

This report provides new estimates of the profits generated from forced labour and assesses how profits have changed since the last ILO estimates were published in 2014.

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing in future. The study further identified challenges in the production of statistics on international labour migration and proposes remedies to the identified challenges.

The Migrant Worker Resource Centre in Tijuana, Mexico: Supporting access to justice and labour migration governance
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The Migrant Worker Resource Centre in Tijuana, Mexico: Supporting access to justice and labour migration governance

It presents the context in which the Tijuana Migrant Worker Resource Centre was created, the services it offers, as well as the steps needed to continue its implementation and reach a greater number of beneficiaries in the Mexico-Central America migration corridor.

Briefing note for high-level visit to Champasak Province
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Briefing note for high-level visit to Champasak Province

The briefing note provides summary information for the high-level delegates who visited Paksong District and Pakse City in Champasak Province of Lao PDR on 19 May 2023. The delegates met with beneficiaries and partners of three EU-funded projects implemented by ILO in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare: SOLAR, Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia, and Safe and Fair.

TRIANGLE in ASEAN Quarterly Briefing Notes
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TRIANGLE in ASEAN Quarterly Briefing Notes

TRIANGLE in ASEAN works with labour ministries, workers' and employers' organizations, recruitment agency associations, civil society organizations in six countries in ASEAN; Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Below Quarterly Briefing Notes give an update on our work during the previous quarter.

Leaflet – Understand workers’ rights aboard fishing vessels
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Leaflet – Understand workers’ rights aboard fishing vessels

This leaflet provides information on workers' rights, occupational safety and health at work for fishermen and fishing vessel owners.

Leaflet – Stay safe and healthy while working on a fishing vessel.
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Leaflet – Stay safe and healthy while working on a fishing vessel.

This leaflet (in Vietnamese) provides information on workers' rights, occupational safety and health at work for fishermen and fishing vessel owners.

Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) in Africa
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Labour migration

Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) in Africa

This note outlines the ILO support to partners to deliver direct assistance to migrant workers and local communities through Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) across Africa. As of February 2024, the ILO supports the establishment and operational capacity of 25 MRCs in 7 countries in Africa.

Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration
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Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration

The BRMM programme is organising a capacity building workshop dedicated to raising awareness on labour migration dynamics among local and international media outlets, as well as to emphasise the importance of providing adequate coverage on labour migration issues, in recognition of International Migrants Day, December 18.

ILO Strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families
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Social protection

ILO Strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families

All members of society have the right to social security, including migrant workers, refugees, and their families. However, they face numerous legal and practical obstacles in accessing social protection. Based on the principles of equality of treatment and non-discrimination, well-designed and inclusive social protection systems and international cooperation, are powerful tools to reduce poverty, inequality, social exclusion and achieving sustainable development.

Decent Work for displaced people: Lessons from the experiences of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee workers in Colombia and Brazil
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Research brief

Decent Work for displaced people: Lessons from the experiences of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee workers in Colombia and Brazil

Currently, all workers in Colombia and Brazil are facing enormous challenges to organize themselves at the workplace. For refugee and migrant workers without higher education or professional credentials, the obstacles are even greater. In response to this situation, Venezuelan migrant workers and their allies are beginning to organize in labour unions and civil associations to promote decent work in both informal and low-wage formal sectors.

ILO Guidance Note on Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs)
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ILO brief

ILO Guidance Note on Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs)

Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) provide critical information and services for migrant workers throughout the migration cycle. This Guidance Note presents the key principles of the ILO approach, and provides insights for the establishment and operation of MRCs, capacity building of MRC staff, design and implementation of service provision, effective communications and outreach, and monitoring and evaluation and sustainability