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Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022 Report Cover

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022

The report aims to assess the prevalence of child labour in Nigeria and analyse the interaction between child labour, schooling and children’s well-being.

Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space.
Cover image for the working paper Financing gap for universal social protection

ILO Working paper 113

Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space.

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania
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Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing in future.

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment
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The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment
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The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment

An indicator recently developed by the ILO, the jobs gap, is shown to be an important complement to the unemployment rate. The indicator is particularly relevant to assess the difficulties that women face in finding a job. It also highlights job creation challenges in the developing world.

Statistical Methodology Series 10 - Identification of ICSE-18 through labour force surveys
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Statistical Methodology Series 10 - Identification of ICSE-18 through labour force surveys

This report illustrates Key findings and implications for questionnaire design obtained from the pilot studies carried out by the ILO in Uganda and Peru in relation to the identification of status in employment based on the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-18). Working relationships are inextricably linked to - and have direct implications for - the identification and measurement of informality. Thus, ensuring both are measured well is key to improving our understanding of informality.

Statistical Methodology Series 9 - Engendering informality project
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Statistical Methodology Series 9 - Engendering informality project

The report provides an overview of the labour force survey pilot studies carried out by the ILO Department of Statistics in Uganda and Peru under the Engendering Informality Statistics project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The main activity of the project was to test statistical concepts and measurement approaches in household survey questionnaires to generate evidence on what works when collecting data with a gender lens.

Statistical Methodology Series 11 - Identification of informality through labour force surveys
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Statistical Methodology Series 11 - Identification of informality through labour force surveys

The topic of this report is the identification of informality in line with the resolution concerning statistics on the informal economy adopted at the 21st ICLS. Key findings and conclusions are presented from the different stages of testing, along with their implications for questionnaire design and content. Ensuring that informal employment and informal sector are measured well and with a gender perspective is key to improving our understanding the characteristics of women’s and men’s work.

2023 Labour Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean [Executive Summary]
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2023 Labour Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean [Executive Summary]

Despite presenting a lower unemployment rate in 2023, the recovery of labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean is still insufficient. It is urgent to adopt measures that contribute to preventing the precariousness of formal employment and that stimulate the generation of more decent jobs throughout the region.

The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) companion guide
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The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) companion guide

The ‘ISCO-08 companion guide’ is intended to aid in the systematic implementation and use of ISCO-08 in various operations and/or to assist in developing or updating a national occupation classification in line with ISCO-08. It covers various useful topics and includes examples derived from countries practices.

International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-18) Manual
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International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-18) Manual

A resolution adopted at the 20th ICLS includes a new international classification of status in employment (ICSE-18). This draft manual describes the revised classification, how it differs from the previous version, and how to implement it in a household survey.

Statistical profile of the wholesale and retail trade sector
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Statistical profile of the wholesale and retail trade sector

Traditional Occupations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Labour Statistics
COVER for Traditional Occupations of the Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Labour Statistics

Technical paper

Traditional Occupations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Labour Statistics

The objective of this technical paper is to facilitate reflection on possibilities for capturing the practice of the traditional occupations of indigenous and tribal peoples in labour statistics as a means to understand and monitor related trends and build evidence for public policymaking.

Labour Market Information Systems - Brief description and ILO Toolkit
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Labour Market Information Systems - Brief description and ILO Toolkit

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work
WESO The Value of Essential Work Cover image with essential workers

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work

Key workers are essential for societies to function. This report calls for a revaluation of their work to reflect their social contribution, and for greater investment in key sectors.

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]
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Executive Summary

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]

Key workers are essential for societies to function. This report calls for a revaluation of their work to reflect their social contribution, and for greater investment in key sectors.

New data shine light on gender gaps in the labour market
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New data shine light on gender gaps in the labour market

Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022: Rethinking sectoral strategies for a human-centred future of work
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Full report

Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022: Rethinking sectoral strategies for a human-centred future of work

Labour markets are recovering from the COVID-19 crisis in Asia and the Pacific, but now face new challenges like inflation and geopolitical tensions. The report gives the regional labour market context and makes a first-time assessment of regional sectoral estimates to highlight which sectors are growing as sources of jobs, which are shrinking and which harbour opportunities for “decent work”.

Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022: Rethinking sectoral strategies for a human-centred future of work (Summary)
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Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2022: Rethinking sectoral strategies for a human-centred future of work (Summary)

Labour markets are recovering from the COVID-19 crisis in Asia and the Pacific, but now face new challenges like inflation and geopolitical tensions. The report gives the regional labour market context and makes a first-time assessment of regional sectoral estimates to highlight which sectors are growing as sources of jobs, which are shrinking and which harbour opportunities for “decent work”.

Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies - Estimating the number of people employed in the forest sector
Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies - Estimating the number of people employed in the forest sector

Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies - Estimating the number of people employed in the forest sector

This study employs a new method to fill the gaps of missing data points in order to provide sound total employment estimates in the forest sector on a global scale.