All publications for topic
Formalization and simplified micro and small enterprise regimes: Towards reform of the Viet Nam household business legislation
This paper proposes concrete recommendations to better integrate MSEs in Viet Nam in the formal economy, in addition to highlighting the importance of registration systems within a comprehensive and integrated policy framework for business formalization.
ILO Working paper 112
New technologies, e-government and informality
This working paper studies the complex relationship between technology adoption and informality, leveraging recent cross-country data to analyse the effects of mobile phone subscriptions, internet access, automation and e-government on informal employment, vulnerable employment, and the shadow economy's GDP share.
ILO Working paper 112
New technologies, e-government and informality - mobi
This working paper studies the complex relationship between technology adoption and informality, leveraging recent cross-country data to analyse the effects of mobile phone subscriptions, internet access, automation and e-government on informal employment, vulnerable employment, and the shadow economy's GDP share. The study delves into the nuanced interplay between technology adoption and informality, suggesting that while technology adoption can reduce informality by enhancing productivity and government capacity, it can also create conditions to increase informality, such as the proliferation of own-account work for example. The paper empirically explores these forces and finds that e-government initiatives in the majority of cases reduce informality. However, while the potential of technology to reduce the shadow economy is clearer, addressing informal and vulnerable employment may require additional policy interventions. This research contributes to the understanding of the multifaceted and multidirectional relationship between technology and informality, and the potential for technology to enhance governance and public service delivery.
ILO Working paper 112
New technologies, e-government and informality - epub
This working paper studies the complex relationship between technology adoption and informality, leveraging recent cross-country data to analyse the effects of mobile phone subscriptions, internet access, automation and e-government on informal employment, vulnerable employment, and the shadow economy's GDP share. The study delves into the nuanced interplay between technology adoption and informality, suggesting that while technology adoption can reduce informality by enhancing productivity and government capacity, it can also create conditions to increase informality, such as the proliferation of own-account work for example. The paper empirically explores these forces and finds that e-government initiatives in the majority of cases reduce informality. However, while the potential of technology to reduce the shadow economy is clearer, addressing informal and vulnerable employment may require additional policy interventions. This research contributes to the understanding of the multifaceted and multidirectional relationship between technology and informality, and the potential for technology to enhance governance and public service delivery.
Skills development
Skills Matter!
The continuum of interventions allowed for meaningful changes in people’s lives, in institutions’ capacity, in companies’ productivity and in the way the TVET system operates. The ILO interventions, with the support of the European Union and the Government of Canada, aim to strengthen the skills system governance, the development of skills policies and qualifications frameworks; the delivery of quality skills training and certification, and the inclusiveness of TVET. They include the European Union funded TVET-Reform project (2007-15) and Skills 21 project (2017-24), and the Government of Canada funded B-SEP project (2013-19), ProGRESS project (2022-27); and ISEC project (2022-25); ISEC is partially funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands.This brochure captures the main changes these projects brought forward for people, institutions, and companies.
Assessment of the Cambodian National Social Security Fund’s health insurance schemes
This study analyses the design, operation and achievements of the health insurance schemes of the Cambodian National Social Security Fund (NSSF), and proposes options and ideas for improvement of the healthcare system
Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work
Extending social protection for workers in Cambodia: A study to understand the characteristics of workers and enterprises in the informal economy
This report presents a study of the Cambodia labour force using data from the 2019 Cambodia Labour Force Survey (LFS) and 2019 Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey (SES). It provides a detailed analysis of the characteristics of workers and the respective enterprises in which they are employed, with an emphasis on those who are not currently covered by social security.
Insights into ILO Formalize Your Business in Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia and Senegal
Key learnings from trainers and entrepreneurs
Informal employment and Undeclared work in the Horeca sector: Findings from North Macedonia
Baseline survey on the state of informality in the cultural and creative sectors in Zimbabwe
The study was conducted through a partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), under the latter’s “Regional Creatives for Development” initiative intended to promote artistic freedom and foster decent work in the cultural and creative sectors. The study was motivated by a determination to close the gaps in the patchy evidence relating to the level of informality in the cultural and creative sectors in Zimbabwe. It explores the elements of decent work that are prevalent in the informal economy, namely labour rights; employment opportunities; social security and social dialogue; adequate earnings and productive work; working time, safety and health; and equal opportunity and treatment in employment. In addition, the study broadly categorizes the drivers of informality: the macroeconomic context, the regulatory framework, public institutions and enforcement mechanisms, micro-level determinants and attractiveness to informality. Finally it offers recommendations for relevant stakeholders in the culture and creative economy in the country to build a more resilient sector and transition towards formality.
Executive Summary: Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024
Promoting social justice through a just transition
ILO Working Paper 103
New Forms of Employment and Labour Protection in China (mobi)
The objective of this paper is to provide a panoramic description and analysis of the diversity of the new forms of employment that have been emerging in China, with the focus on their background, the main types, the status quo of labour rights protection, and the government's responses to the challenges of labour regulations brought by NFE. Finally, on the basis of the above, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve workers' protection in new forms of Employment.
ILO Working Paper 103
New Forms of Employment and Labour Protection in China
The objective of this paper is to provide a panoramic description and analysis of the diversity of the new forms of employment that have been emerging in China, with the focus on their background, the main types, the status quo of labour rights protection, and the government's responses to the challenges of labour regulations brought by NFE. Finally, on the basis of the above, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve workers' protection in new forms of Employment.
Arab States Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2024: Promoting social justice through a just transition
ILO Working Paper 103
New Forms of Employment and Labour Protection in China (epub)
The objective of this paper is to provide a panoramic description and analysis of the diversity of the new forms of employment that have been emerging in China, with the focus on their background, the main types, the status quo of labour rights protection, and the government's responses to the challenges of labour regulations brought by NFE. Finally, on the basis of the above, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on how to improve workers' protection in new forms of Employment.
Country Study
The employment effects of industrial symbiosis networks in the South African informal sector
This report deals with the employment effects of industrial symbiosis in the provinces of Gauteng and the Western Cape in South Africa. It focuses on the textile and construction value chains and formalization.
Social protection
ILO Strategy on extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families
All members of society have the right to social security, including migrant workers, refugees, and their families. However, they face numerous legal and practical obstacles in accessing social protection. Based on the principles of equality of treatment and non-discrimination, well-designed and inclusive social protection systems and international cooperation, are powerful tools to reduce poverty, inequality, social exclusion and achieving sustainable development.
Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work
Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries
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