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Issue paper on child labour and education exclusion among indigenous children

Issue paper

Issue paper on child labour and education exclusion among indigenous children

The issue paper provides an updated picture of the child labour and schooling situation of indigenous children, with a view to informing policy interventions in the lead up to the 2025 target date for ending child labour.

Issue paper on child labour and education exclusion among indigenous children - Executive summary
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Issue paper on child labour and education exclusion among indigenous children - Executive summary

Traditional Occupations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Labour Statistics
COVER for Traditional Occupations of the Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Labour Statistics

Technical paper

Traditional Occupations of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Labour Statistics

The objective of this technical paper is to facilitate reflection on possibilities for capturing the practice of the traditional occupations of indigenous and tribal peoples in labour statistics as a means to understand and monitor related trends and build evidence for public policymaking.

Green Jobs, an Opportunity for Women in Latin America (Executive Summary)
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Executive Summary

Green Jobs, an Opportunity for Women in Latin America (Executive Summary)

Climate change, Gender and Just Transition. The effects of climate change tend to accentuate pre-existing inequalities such as those regarding gender, which is why gender equality is an essential component of the transition to an inclusive and regenerative green economy.

Mainstreaming Care Work to Combat the Effects of Climate Change
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Mainstreaming Care Work to Combat the Effects of Climate Change

Chapter VI.2 of the Report: "Green Jobs, an Opportunity for Women in Latin America. Climate Change, Gender and Just Transition"

Finland-ILO Cooperation
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Finland-ILO Cooperation

Finland has been an ILO Member State since 1920 and is a key partner of the ILO in promoting the Decent Work Agenda. It has ratified 102 Conventions and four Protocols, including all ten Fundamental, all four Governance Conventions and 88 technical Conventions.

Laws, policies and institutions concerning indigenous and tribal peoples: Philippines
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Laws, policies and institutions concerning indigenous and tribal peoples: Philippines

Indigenous Peoples and a Just Transition for All
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Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples and a Just Transition for All

This policy brief is part of the ILO Just Transition Policy briefs series and is intended to present the linkages between just transition and indigenous peoples, providing stakeholders with information and recommendations for implementation.

Vulnerabilities to child labour
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Vulnerabilities to child labour

Identifying particularly vulnerable groups of children and their specific needs is essential for the elimination of child labour. This brief brings together the key findings from four studies that each address a key area of vulnerability to child labour: climate change, situations of crisis, indigenous peoples and informality. For each of the thematic areas, the brief presents evidence of the linkages with child labour and implications for policy.

The EIIP Digital collection now available publicly
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EIIP Digital Collection

The EIIP Digital collection now available publicly

The EIIP has been working with the ILO Library to establish a separate EIIP collection within the overall ILO Digital Collection of publications. This collection is now publicly available and provides a permanent repository of EIIP publication and will be kept updated. It includes all EIIP related publications which have been published by the ILO or for which the copyright rests with the ILO.

Indigenous peoples in a changing world of work: Exploring indigenous peoples’ economic and social rights through the Indigenous Navigator
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Indigenous peoples in a changing world of work: Exploring indigenous peoples’ economic and social rights through the Indigenous Navigator

Exploring and Tackling Barriers to Indigenous Women’s Participation and Organization
COVER of Exploring and Tackling Barriers to Indigenous Women’s Participation and Organization

Exploring and Tackling Barriers to Indigenous Women’s Participation and Organization

A study based on qualitative research in Bangladesh, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Cameroon and Guatemala

Understanding the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169): A tool for judges and legal practitioners
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Understanding the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169): A tool for judges and legal practitioners

This tool is intended to promote a better understanding in practice of the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169). It is targeted at judges and counsel in national and international courts, teachers, public servants, independent lawyers, international officials, jurists and other practitioners in the legal system engaged in subjects related to indigenous peoples.

Indigenous women’s realities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator
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Indigenous women’s realities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator

The result of a collective and community-led data-gathering exercise relying on the Indigenous Navigator framework and tools, this report identifies and discusses the experiences, needs, concerns and aspirations of indigenous women in 11 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The report sheds light on inequalities and intersecting forms of discrimination affecting indigenous women, which placed them in a particularly vulnerable situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these persisting challenges, reported experiences testify to Indigenous women’s role as leading actors in building resilience.

The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous communities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator
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The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous communities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator

On the basis of a community-led data-gathering effort and testimonies from indigenous communities, this report provides first-hand information on the situation of indigenous peoples in 11 countries. It highlights how pre-existing barriers in access to health, social security and education are causing disproportional impacts of the pandemic on indigenous peoples, while also describing the role that communities can play in building an inclusive COVID-19 response and recovery.

A Rapid Assessment Report The impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Bangladesh
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A Rapid Assessment Report The impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Bangladesh

COVID-19 and the world of work: Ensuring no one is left behind in the response and recovery
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COVID-19 and the world of work: Ensuring no one is left behind in the response and recovery

This brief is part of a series on leaving no one behind in the context of COVID-19 and the world of work. It provides an overview of specific groups that risk being left behind: people with disabilities, indigenous and tribal peoples, people living with HIV, and migrant workers.

COVID-19 and the world of work: A focus on indigenous and tribal peoples
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Policy Brief

COVID-19 and the world of work: A focus on indigenous and tribal peoples

Drawing on new ILO data, this brief analyses the vulnerabilities of indigenous and tribal peoples in the COVID-19 context and identifies urgent and continuing actions to ensure their access to decent work and social protection, as part of the unfolding COVID-19 response and recovery.

Papua New Guinea Project Brief
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EIIP Project Brief

Papua New Guinea Project Brief

This project brief describes the Employment-Intensive Recovery and Reconstruction Response (E3R) project to mitigate the impact of a series of 7.5 and a 6.7 magnitude that hit the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, between the 26 of February and 8 of March 2019. By using a local-resource based strategy, the ILO was able to assist successfully in the construction of gravity fed water supply systems and contribute to the transition towards livelihoods recovery.

Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169: Towards an inclusive, sustainable and just future
Cover of Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169: Towards an inclusive, sustainable and just future


Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169: Towards an inclusive, sustainable and just future

This report examines the implementation of the Convention No. 169 and the current social and economic situation of indigenous people across the world.