All publications for topic
Insights into ILO Formalize Your Business in Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia and Senegal
Key learnings from trainers and entrepreneurs
Productivity measurement and analysis: A guidance note
A 10-question pocket guide to making MSD work for you
A Rough Guide to Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development
Designing and Implementing Market-led Interventions in Forced Displacement Settings
Digitalise your Business
Digital Strategies for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
Belize tripartite partners validate Decent Work Country Diagnostic; Jamaica and Brazil strengthen their actions to achieve the first generation free of child labour, ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP and more
Social security
Social protection diagnostic review: From a schematic to systems approach for social protection
The objective of this study is to assist social dialogue in Mongolia by building evidence and engaging with constituents to make recommendations pertaining to the future of social protection in the country.
Action Plan/Roadmap To Foster National Conditions For Women’s Entrepreneurship Development And Enterprise Formalization In Nigeria
Sector systems analysis of textiles and clothing subsector in Ghana
ILO Caribbean NewsLink November 2023
In this issue: Guyana tripartite partners participate in ILO training to advance next DWCP, ILO presents comprehensive review of social protection system to policymakers in Suriname, Regional CANTA meeting features ILO insights for improving TVET in the Caribbean and more
Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector
The main objective of the VCA is to identify opportunities for promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth of the wood-processing sector in Suriname in a way that specifically targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promotes environmental sustainability, encourages women’s economic empowerment, and generates formal job creation.
Reducing Waste Towards a Just Transition: Work, Labour, and Value in the Informal Recycling Chain
A rough guide to measuring job quality in market systems development: Operational guidance
SCORE Training catalogue
SCORE Training helps SMEs to achieve better working conditions and productivity through its wide variety of modules and stands as an aid to compliance.
New frontier or the latest buzzword? Evidence and best practice in entrepreneurship ecosystem development
The study maps out and analyse the global landscape of entrepreneurial ecosystems approaches implemented by different actors in the Global South.
Social Finance Brief: Financial services to enhance resilience
Banks, credit unions and microfinance institutions can boost the resilience and create a brighter future for vulnerable communities through innovative solutions. This brief explores in more detail such comprehensive services, including savings, insurance, emergency loans and financial education.
Engaging multinational enterprises on more and better jobs
The ILO approach to responsible global business - Sustainable Enterprises
Sustainable enterprises
Infographics: Project overview and photo results
This infographic provides an overview of PSEI project and its impact.
Sustainable enterprises
Infographics: Project overview and results
This infographic provides an overview of PSEI project and its impact.
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