All news for sector
Harnessing the potential of digital technologies to achieve decent work in the financial sector: Policies and practices on the impact of digitalization in the sector
The ILO report Policies and Practices in the Financial Sector that Address the Impact of Digitalization and Harness the Potential of Digital Technologies to Achieve Decent Work provides a global overview of policies, initiatives and practices regarding decent work as well as employee outcomes in the global financial sector. The report presents findings from a literature review, surveys, and in-depth interviews in three regions: Asia and the Pacific, Africa and Latin America.
Statistical profile - Private Security Services Sector
This Profile provides a statistical description of employment patterns and recent trends in the private security sector, including data for the 2020 COVID-19 period.
Law and practice on protecting whistle-blowers in the public and financial services sectors
This paper seeks to map out laws and practices and identify measures in place for the protection of whistle-blowers by analysing a representative sample of laws, regulations and international instruments.
Challenges and Opportunities of Teleworking for Workers and Employers in the ICTS and Financial Services Sectors
Issues Paper for the Global Dialogue Forum on the Challenges and Opportunities of Teleworking for Workers and Employers in the ICTS and Financial Services Sectors (Geneva, 24-26 October 2016)
Responsible contracting: An approach aimed at improving social and labour practices in the property services sector
Research paper on the property services sector, and in particular on the provision of cleaning and security services, prepared as background for an ILO meeting on Private employment agencies in private services sectors, 18–19 October 2011.
Private employment agencies in Morocco
Research paper on private employment agencies and temporary agency work in a country having ratified the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181), prepared for an ILO meeting on Private employment agencies in private services sectors, 18–19 October 2011.
Youth employment
Promotion of decent work for plantation and rural youth in Sri Lanka
The project contributes to poverty reduction by helping rural youth enter the labour market. By developing the capacity of local staff and institutions, it also improves labour market and employment services. In addition, it works closely with plantation companies to promote strategic corporate sustainability, factory improvements and a good work-life balance.
Sri Lanka’s working poor
This paper presents a profile of Sri Lanka's working poor in terms of stock and characteristics; attributes associated with the probability of being working poor, and the reasons why the employed poor earn too little to overcome poverty.
Promoting employment-intensive growth in Sri Lanka: policy analysis of the manufacturing and service sectors
This paper examines the employment effect of growth in manufacturing sector industries in Sri Lanka covering a period of 17 years from 1990.