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SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development
Infographic for publication SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development

SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development

SAMAP is an initiative of the Government of Suriname, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the financial resources of the European Union (EU)

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector
Cover for publication Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

The main objective of the VCA is to identify opportunities for promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth of the wood-processing sector in Suriname in a way that specifically targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promotes environmental sustainability, encourages women’s economic empowerment, and generates formal job creation.

Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Belize
Cover for publication Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Belize

Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Belize

The main objective of this Report is to assess the cost of the implementation of an unemployment insurance (UI) scheme in Belize considering two specific design options (design options A and B), as well as alternative design options, aligned with the two most important ILO Conventions for UI: the Social Security (Minimum Standards Convention, 1952 (No. 102) and Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988 (No. 168).

A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize - Sustainable tourism and dehydrated fruits processing in the districts of Toledo and Stann Creek
Cover for publication A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize

A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize - Sustainable tourism and dehydrated fruits processing in the districts of Toledo and Stann Creek

This publication offers a structured framework for identifying value chains that foster economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Furthermore, it enables the identification of constraints and opportunities that may impact value chain performance.

Digitalization to support the transformation of EBMOs as data-driven organizations in the Caribbean
Cover for publication Digitalization to support the transformation of EBMOs as data-driven organizations in the Caribbean

Digitalization to support the transformation of EBMOs as data-driven organizations in the Caribbean

This report examines how EBMOs in the Caribbean currently use digital tools and explores challenges and good practices related to the use of these tools.

Business resilience trends and evidence-based policy proposals in Trinidad and Tobago
Cover for publication Business resilience trends and evidence-based policy proposals in Trinidad and Tobago

Business resilience trends and evidence-based policy proposals in Trinidad and Tobago

The research involved an online survey of forty-eight ECA members, and ten follow-up, in-depth qualitative interviews with survey respondents and other key stakeholders that represent SMEs across the twin-island Republic. The research took place between 1st May and 10th August 2022.

Perspectives on business resilience in Trinidad and Tobago: A research report
Cover for publication Perspectives on business resilience in Trinidad and Tobago: A research report

Perspectives on business resilience in Trinidad and Tobago: A research report

The main objective of the project is to provide theoretical and practical training to organizational and business leaders in the use and application of business resilience tools and best practices.

Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026
Cover for publication Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026

Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026

The DWCP is intended to represent the tripartite commitment of Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to achieve Suriname’s national development goals, as well as articulate a programme of action for the key areas in which the ILO’s collaboration with the tripartite partners is expected to lead to positive changes in the world of work.

Labour Overview 2022 for Latin America and the Caribbean [Executive summary]
Cover for publication Labour Overview 2022 for Latin America and the Caribbean [Executive summary]

Labour Overview 2022 for Latin America and the Caribbean [Executive summary]

Latin America and the Caribbean faces a "highly complex and uncertain" labour market in 2023 due to a conjunction of multiple crises that impact labour markets and make it necessary to apply policies to create formal employment. The most urgent labour problem for the region is the quality of employment and the insufficient labour and total income generated by workers and their families.

Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese oil and gas industry, 2022-2026
Cover for publication Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese oil and gas industry, 2022-2026

Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese oil and gas industry, 2022-2026

The present study is part of a concerted effort by the Ministry of Labour, Guyana and the International Labour Organization, Caribbean Office to address a major information gap regarding the human resources needs within the booming oil and gas industry in the country.

Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese construction industry, 2022-2026
Cover for publication Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese construction industry, 2022-2026

Prospective occupational skills needs in the Guyanese construction industry, 2022-2026

The present study, generously financed by the United States Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, is the result of dedicated collaboration between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Office for Guyana, and the International Labour Organization Office for the Caribbean and supported by the Ministry of Labour of the Government of Guyana.

Social protection expenditure review, Barbados
Cover for publication Social protection expenditure review, Barbados

Social protection expenditure review, Barbados

The Social Protection Expenditure Review (SPER) represents an opportunity to generate evidence and policy discussions based on the financial and economic performance of the different components of the Barbadian’s social protection sector. As such, this evaluation emphasizes the link between allocated resources and results at the time it considers the legal and institutional conditions that rule the sector. In this regard, the SPER complements and expands the Core Diagnostic Instrument (CODI) assessment study as well as enlightens some areas of future reforms.

Employers’ guidelines for the implementation of the Jamaica Sexual Harassment (Protection and Prevention) Act, 2021
Employers’ guidelines for the implementation of the Jamaica Sexual Harassment (Protection and Prevention)  Act, 2021

Employers’ guidelines for the implementation of the Jamaica Sexual Harassment (Protection and Prevention) Act, 2021

The Sexual Harassment (Protection and Prevention) Act, 2021, aims to protect all Jamaican citizens in the workplace, conducting business, renting property, or in any other daily interactions.

Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025
Cover for publication Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025

Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025

The policy development process, which took place between October 2021 and July 2022, is the result of an inclusive and extensive tripartite dialogue between national stakeholders under the aegis of the tripartite Commission on the adoption of a Long-Term Labour Market Policy (CLTLMP) for Suriname.

Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy, 2022-2025
Cover for publication Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy, 2022-2025

Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy, 2022-2025

The development of the Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy 2022-2025 was an iterative process that commenced in August 2021. A literature review was undertaken accompanied by an extensive series of bilateral consultations with multiple stakeholders spanning representatives from the Government of Belize, civil society, and the private sector.

Internet and Wi-Fi access for teaching and learning in public secondary schools and TVET institutions in Trinidad and Tobago
Cover for publication Internet and Wi-Fi access for teaching and learning in public secondary schools and TVET institutions in Trinidad and Tobago

Internet and Wi-Fi access for teaching and learning in public secondary schools and TVET institutions in Trinidad and Tobago

This study was conducted to determine the status of internet and Wi-Fi connectivity in public secondary schools and TVET institutions in Trinidad and Tobago across eight educational districts. This evaluation provides information on internet access, digital infrastructure planning, policy on digital content and resources, instructor professional development, and sustainable investment for digital technologies used for teaching and learning.

The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)
Cover for publication The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)


The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)

This publication is meant to function as an evaluation tool and to be a useful guide for Government agencies, employers, workers, investors and key players in the labour and industrial relations environment.

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary
Cover for 2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.

Decent Work Country Programme for The Bahamas: 2021-2026
Cover for publication Decent Work Country Programme for The Bahamas: 2021-2026

Decent Work Country Programme for The Bahamas: 2021-2026

Through the DWCP 2021-2026, the ILO will work in close partnership with the Government of The Bahamas and the Bahamian social partners to address decent work challenges. The ILO’s approach in The Bahamas reflects the development of a ‘new generation’ of DWCPs, seeking to align more closely to both national and international development goals, and leverage partnerships to achieve real and meaningful change. Activities and results identified in the DWCP are based on clear theories of changes, developed through consultation with Bahamian constituents.

Overview of social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and setbacks in the face of the pandemic - Technical note
Cover for publication Overview of social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and setbacks in the face of the pandemic - Technical note

Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

Overview of social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and setbacks in the face of the pandemic - Technical note

The crisis triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak has exposed the gap that persists in the region to achieve comprehensive protection systems, based on a social protection floor which guarantees for universal access to health and economic security over the life cycle. Social protection coverage in Latin America evolved positively in the decade before the pandemic. Contributing members to the system increased by 14 per cent over the 2012-2019 period and the ratio of contributing workers to the employed population was 46.9 per cent for 2019. However, COVID-19 has had a harsh impact on coverage levels, with a 7.3 per cent drop in contributing members. In this scenario, non-contributory benefits, especially in the context of the pandemic, played a key role in reducing or avoiding the increase in poverty and extreme poverty. Funds allocated to mitigate COVID-19 have helped to contain, to some extent, the increase in poverty. As of June 2021, 273 non-contributory measures had been implemented, of which 64 per cent were new programmes and the rest adaptations of existing programmes.