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Terms Of Reference: Assessment of Budget Allocations and Opportunities For Resource Mobilization
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Terms Of Reference: Assessment of Budget Allocations and Opportunities For Resource Mobilization

Green Jobs Assessment Model Ghana
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Green Jobs Assessment Model Ghana

Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries
Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries - Cover

ILO Working paper 109

Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries

This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of the institutional and labour relations regimes in six African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, and South Africa with a special emphasis on promoting decent working conditions for Local and Regional Government (LRG) workers.

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.

Sector systems analysis of textiles and clothing subsector in Ghana
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Sector systems analysis of textiles and clothing subsector in Ghana

SCORE Training catalogue
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SCORE Training catalogue

SCORE Training helps SMEs to achieve better working conditions and productivity through its wide variety of modules and stands as an aid to compliance.

ILO Youth Country Briefs: Ghana
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Policy brief

ILO Youth Country Briefs: Ghana

This analytical Brief summarises youth labour markets, the impact of COVID-19 on youth employment, and the school-to-work transition in Ghana and its evolution in recent years. It identifies where youth labour market outcomes indicate recovery and where challenges remain in Ghana.

Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work - Ghana Programme Brochure
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Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work - Ghana Programme Brochure

This brochure provides an overview of the Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work programme in Ghana

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for poultry farming
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Occupational Standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for poultry farming

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for assistant masons and masons
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Occupational standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for assistant masons and masons

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for plumbing
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Occupational Standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for plumbing

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Comparative Study of Rapid Assessments of Reskilling and Upskilling Needs due to the Covid-19 Crisis
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Comparative Study of Rapid Assessments of Reskilling and Upskilling Needs due to the Covid-19 Crisis


The Next Normal: The Changing Workplace in Ghana
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The Next Normal: The Changing Workplace in Ghana

To help understand key trends driven in the post Covid 19 pandemic period, the ILO Bureau for Employers' Organizations along with Ghana Employers' Consultative Association (NECA) commissioned an study. This report presents the findings of that study in Ghana.

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic
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ILO Working paper 61

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic

The study is an analysis of the experience of key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that although the pandemic reshaped the work environment, workers’ concerns regarding the future were not tied directly to concerns about COVID-19, but rather to larger concerns about working conditions and income security that existed prior to the crisis.

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic - mobi
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ILO Working paper 61

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic - mobi

The study is an analysis of the experience of key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that although the pandemic reshaped the work environment, workers’ concerns regarding the future were not tied directly to concerns about COVID-19, but rather to larger concerns about working conditions and income security that existed prior to the crisis.

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic - epub
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ILO Working paper 61

Key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic - epub

The study is an analysis of the experience of key workers in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that although the pandemic reshaped the work environment, workers’ concerns regarding the future were not tied directly to concerns about COVID-19, but rather to larger concerns about working conditions and income security that existed prior to the crisis.

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries
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ILO working paper 58

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

Rapid assessment of reskilling and upskilling needs arising from the effects of the COVID-19: Ghana
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Rapid assessment of reskilling and upskilling needs arising from the effects of the COVID-19: Ghana
