All publications for country
Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries
Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?
ILO Working paper 32
Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses
This paper presents the emergence and growth of digital labour markets in Eastern Europe over the period 1999-2019. It presents the profiles of digital workers, their working conditions and discusses how these are shaped by the business models of digital labour platforms.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 December
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and new staff. Labour migration and an interview with the new UN Resident Coordinator are in the focus of this edition.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 September
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region, highlighting the new rapid assessment reports in Serbia and Montenegro. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and staff.
A comparative overview of drivers and outcomes of labour law and industrial relations reforms in selected Central and Eastern European countries
This report seeks to provide a comparative overview of the policy goals and rationale which led to the reform of labour law and industrial relations systems, and the outcomes of these changes in law and practice, in selected CEE countries.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 May
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region with an updated service offer and selected resources. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and staff. In focus: Local Employment Partnerships in the Republic of Moldova.
Social dialogue and the Future of Work
Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 February
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, features new publications and new staff. In focus: the new ILO report on the Ukrainian pension system, and youth employment trends in the Western Balkans with ILO policy guidance.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 November
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, features new publications and new staff. News on ITUC Global Rights Index and a wage campaign to increase wages in the Balkans.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 July
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces a new project, features a new publication, training offers and new staff. It also tells how the ILO celebrates its Centenary.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 April
This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, and features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.
Reversing Pension Privatizations. Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America
From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions; as of 2018, eighteen countries have reversed the privatization.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2018 November
This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.
Extension of Social Security - Working Paper - ESS 68
Reversing pension privatization: The case of Polish pension reform and re-reforms
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2018 February
This issue reports on ILO programme developments and new projects in the Central and Eastern European region, and features interviews with ILO partners.
Social dialogue in face of changes on the labour market in Poland. From crisis to breakthrough
Jacek Męcina’s book provides a thorough analytical review of employment and labour market trends, practices and options in the recent history of Poland. His strong call for promoting social dialogue as a basis for policy making is particularly significant.
Long-term unemployment in Central Europe: A review of its nature and determinants in five countries
EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 218
ILO Technical Note
ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by the POLAND
Social Protection for Children
Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.