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Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022 Report Cover

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022

The report aims to assess the prevalence of child labour in Nigeria and analyse the interaction between child labour, schooling and children’s well-being.

Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022 Report

Nigeria Forced Labour Survey 2022

The main purpose of this survey is to improve information on forced labour through data collection and in-depth analysis.

Action Plan/Roadmap To Foster National Conditions For Women’s Entrepreneurship Development And Enterprise Formalization In Nigeria
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Action Plan/Roadmap To Foster National Conditions For Women’s Entrepreneurship Development And Enterprise Formalization In Nigeria

Revised National Policy on Labour Migration (NPLM)
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Revised National Policy on Labour Migration (NPLM)

The International Labour Office supported the Government of Nigeria to revise the National Policy on Labour Migration. The launch was done at the UN House, Abuja Nigeria in April 2023

Promoting decent work in the African cultural and creative economy
Promoting decent work in the African cultural and creative economy - Cover


Promoting decent work in the African cultural and creative economy

The report identifies the challenges and opportunities for promoting decent work in the African cultural and creative economy (CCE).

Child labour monitoring systems in the MENA region: Good practices, challenges and recommendations for a child labour monitoring system in Egypt - A desk review
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Child labour monitoring systems in the MENA region: Good practices, challenges and recommendations for a child labour monitoring system in Egypt - A desk review

The report analyses good CLMS practices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and their successes and challenges, providing a basis for the establishment of a national Child Labour Monitoring System in Egypt.

Child labour in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria: A situational analysis
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Child labour in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria: A situational analysis

The study carries out an analysis of child labour in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria, providing key recommendations aimed at ensuring the elimination of child labour in the sector.

ILO Youth Country Briefs: Nigeria
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Policy brief

ILO Youth Country Briefs: Nigeria

This analytical Brief summarises youth labour markets, the impact of COVID-19 on youth employment, and the school-to-work transition in Nigeria and its evolution in recent years. It identifies where youth labour market outcomes indicate recovery and where challenges remain in Nigeria.

Factsheet: Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria(ERN) Project
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Factsheet: Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria(ERN) Project

The Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria (ERN) Project worked to build on lessons learned and results achieved from the project “Initiative for Labour Migration, Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria and Ghana” (LMER) that was implemented from January 2019 to September 2020 and funded by the GIZ Programme Migration for Development (PME).

Factsheet: Employment and Reintegration (ERN) in Nigeria Project
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Labour migration

Factsheet: Employment and Reintegration (ERN) in Nigeria Project

Factsheet details activities and impact of the ERN Project

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for poultry farming
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Occupational Standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for poultry farming

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for assistant masons and masons
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Occupational standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for assistant masons and masons

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for plumbing
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Occupational Standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for plumbing

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

Assessment of Public Employment Services in Nigeria
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Assessment Report and Recommendations

Assessment of Public Employment Services in Nigeria

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To raise awareness on measures to ensure safety and health at work among MSMEs, the ILO supported the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment to develop and validate an action checklist on occupational safety and health including COVID-19 prevention for MSMEs producing PPEs and other healthcare related products. This was part of the activities of the ILO under the joint project, “Strengthening the capacity of local MSMEs and manufacturers to produce high quality PPEs and healthcare related products” and funded by the One UN Covid 19 Response for Nigeria Basket Fund. The checklist is a workplace self-assessment tool for identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement at the enterprise level. Identified priorities guide participants in planning for and acting on improvements in the occupational safety and health culture in their enterprises.

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To raise awareness on measures to ensure safety and health at work among MSMEs, the ILO supported the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment to develop and validate an action checklist on occupational safety and health including COVID-19 prevention for MSMEs producing PPEs and other healthcare related products. This was part of the activities of the ILO under the joint project, “Strengthening the capacity of local MSMEs and manufacturers to produce high quality PPEs and healthcare related products” and funded by the One UN Covid 19 Response for Nigeria Basket Fund. The checklist is a workplace self-assessment tool for identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement at the enterprise level. Identified priorities guide participants in planning for and acting on improvements in the occupational safety and health culture in their enterprises.

Compendium of legal framework on the elimination of child labour and protection of children in Nigeria.
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Compendium of legal framework on the elimination of child labour and protection of children in Nigeria.

This document aims to simplify and compile child labour provisions in national laws and policies, creating an enabling environment for the elimination of child labour and protection of children's rights.

Child Labour Guidance Tool for Businesses in Nigeria
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Child Labour Guidance Tool for Businesses in Nigeria

This guidance tool states actions that all companies in Nigeria should take to eliminate and remediate child labour in their operations.

National Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labour and its Worst Forms
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National Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labour and its Worst Forms

The National Action Plan on the Elimination of Child Labour (2021-2025) suggests accelerated actions as a Pathfinder Country to achieve SDG Target 8.7.

Simplified child labour related laws in Nigeria
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Simplified child labour related laws in Nigeria