All publications for country
Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.
Samoa: Country factsheet
Labour migration
Fact sheet: Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) Programme - Phase II
Green jobs
Pacific Islands: The Employment - Environment - Climate Nexus: Employment and environmental sustainability factsheet
The Employment-Environment-Climate Nexus Factsheets are a series produced for countries in Asia-Pacific region. This Factsheet provides key features of labour market and environmental sustainability performance in Pacific Islands, as well as vulnerability to climate change and sectors with green jobs potential.
Green jobs
Samoa: The Employment - Environment - Climate Nexus: Employment and environmental sustainability factsheet
The Employment-Environment-Climate Nexus Factsheets are a series produced for countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This Factsheet provides key features of labour market and environmental sustainability performance in Samoa, as well as vulnerability to climate change and sectors with green jobs potential.
Policy Brief
Climate Change and Labour Mobility in Pacific Island Countries
The Policy Brief provides an overview of labour mobility in the context of climate change, discusses the impact of labour mobility on climate change adaptation and makes recommendations for policy design, labour mobility programmes and research, and is based on a desk review of working papers, research publications, academic articles, policy briefs, reports and other publications produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and other organizations.
Regional position paper
Pacific Employers’ and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) – A central stakeholder in Pacific Labour Mobility
This position paper reflects the priorities and perspectives of Pacific Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMO) in the 11 ILO member states on the issue of labour mobility. The policy positions and recommendations presented in the paper are intended to inform national, regional and global dialogues on labour mobility, skills portability and trade and investment.
Labour migration
Seasonal worker schemes in the Pacific through the lens of international human rights and labour standards: Technical report
The technical report reviews Australia's Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) and New Zealand's Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme through the lens of international human rights and labour standards. The technical report follows a summary report that was published in December 2021.
Labour migration
Seasonal worker schemes in the Pacific through the lens of international human rights and labour standards: A summary report
The summary report reviews Australia's Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) and New Zealand's Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme through the lens of international human rights and labour standards. The findings and recommendations outlined in the summary report are expanded upon in the more detailed technical report.
ILO News
ILO Pasifika Update November 2021
In this edition of the ILO Pacific Newsletter, you will find updates on events and other news highlights of ILO’s work in the Pacific from September to November 2021.
ILO News
ILO Pasifika Update August 2021
In this edition of the ILO Pacific Newsletter, you will find updates on events and other news highlights of ILO’s work in the Pacific from April to July 2021.
Domestic workers
Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects in Asia and the Pacific, ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)
In 2011, the international community adopted the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189), which recognized for the first time that domestic work is work and that domestic workers should enjoy the same labour protections as all other workers.
ILO News
ILO Pasifika Update March 2021
In this edition of the ILO Pacific Newsletter, you will find updates on events and other news highlights of ILO’s work in the Pacific from December 2020 to March 2021.
Collecting and using wage and productivity data: A guide for Pacific employer and business membership organizations
This guide, produced by the Bureau for Employers’ Activities, examines the prospects for collecting and effectively using data on wages and productivity. It reviews the definitions of these concepts and examines case studies from other employer and business membership organizations on collecting wage and productivity data. It also assesses the opportunities and challenges that these types of organizations face in data collection and use, and it reviews deployment strategies for data collection tools.
ILO News
ILO Pasifika Update November 2020
In this edition of the ILO Pacific Newsletter, you will find updates on events and other news highlights of ILO’s work in the Pacific from April to October 2020.
Pacific labour market information
Pacific labour market review 2020
This report presents a baseline assessment of the labour market situation in the Pacific Island Countries. The report was completed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, within the framework of the ILO project on “Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems and Methodologies for Post-Disaster Needs Assessments in the Pacific Island Countries”, covering primarily three of the most disaster-affected countries – Cook Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.
ILO Brief
Impact of COVID19 on employment and business in the Pacific
To determine the impact of COVID19 on employment and business in the Pacific Island Countries, the ILO Pacific Office is working with its National Tripartite Constituents in the member countries to undertake Rapid Assessments (RA). RA’s for Fiji and Samoa has been completed with a solid model to replicate in Tonga, Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Kiribati.
The ILO Centenary
ILO 45 years in the Pacific 1974-2019
To celebrate the ILO Centenary in 2019, the ILO Office for Pacific Island Countries looks back and reflects on the ILO presence in the Pacific and its work with tripartite and other social partners. This publication is a selective and reflective documentation of the ILO’s work in the region, to illustrate the diversity, the ‘journey’, and some of the activities and achievements of ILO technical assistance in the Pacific over 45 years.
Fact sheet
Employment and environmental sustainability in the Pacific islands
The Employment and Environmental Sustainability Fact Sheets series provides key indicators of employment and environmental sustainability performance. They include: (i) employment in environmental sectors; (ii) skill levels; (iii) vulnerability of jobs; (iv) jobs in renewable energy; and (v) scoring on the Environmental Performance Index.
Fact sheet
Employment and environmental sustainability in Samoa
The Employment and Environmental Sustainability Fact sheet for Samoa is part of a series providing a baseline for key indicators of employment and environmental sustainability performance in 36 countries across Asia and the Pacific. These indicators include: (i) employment in environmental sectors; (ii) skill levels; (iii) vulnerability of jobs; (iv) jobs in renewable energy; and (v) scoring on the Environmental Performance Index.