All publications for country
Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.
Social dialogue and the Future of Work
Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 April
This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, and features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.
Austria - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2017)
Long-term unemployment in Central Europe: A review of its nature and determinants in five countries
EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 218
ILO Technical Note
ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by AUSTRIA
Social Protection for Children
Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.
Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industries - Guide with Best Practices
The Guide is one of the technical outputs produced under the joint ILO/UNWTO Agreement which completes a series of international references and methodological tools produced within the framework of the joint ILO/UNWTO Agreement.
Leaving No One Behind: Reaching Key Populations through workplace action on HIV and AIDS
This literature review was commissioned to contribute to the body of knowledge on reaching key populations with HIV services. It sought to demonstrate how the workplace and/or the workforce could be creatively used to increase access to HIV services for key populations.
Strengthening the role of employment injury schemes to help prevent occupational accidents and diseases
The overall aim of the guide is to provide policy recommendations for future direction in the area of employment injury (EI) schemes. The guide is targeted at a mixed audience of national authorities dealing with occupational safety and health (OSH).
Decent Work Country Factsheet - Austria
Working Paper 23: "Collective bargaining and balanced recovery: The case of Austria"
This paper is part of a series of national studies on collective bargaining and effective responses to the crisis under the Global Product on ‘Supporting collective bargaining and sound industrial relations’. The national studies seek to examine the impact of the crisis on industrial relations and collective bargaining institutions; identify the ways in which collective bargaining was used to mitigate the effects of the crisis and the outcomes as they relate to: employment wages, working time, and employment relations. They identify good practices in this regard and consider the implications for balanced and effective recovery.
International Migration Papers No. 90
Migration and irregular work in Austria: Results of a Delphi-Study
Negotiating working time
Austria : long-term success through social partnership
Employment and Training Papers No. 52
Employment quotas, levies and national rehabilitation funds for persons with disabilities : pointer for policy and practice
Report prepared on behalf of International Labour Office
Employment policies for disabled people in eighteen countries : a review.
GLADNET Collection