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Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.

National Alliance 8.7 Strategic Road Map 2023 - 2030
Cover_National Alliance 8.7 Road map 2023-2030_Malawi

National Alliance 8.7 Strategic Road Map 2023 - 2030

Alliance 8.7 is a global partnership fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration to support governments to achieve Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Target 8.7 calls for “immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms”. Some 231 organizations including government institutions, workers’ organizations, employers’ organizations, civil society organizations, and UN specialized agencies, funds and programmes, amongst others, are Alliance 8.7 partners.

Information brief - Employment impact assessment of the Malawi M1 road rehabilitation project
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Information brief - Employment impact assessment of the Malawi M1 road rehabilitation project

Employment impact assessment of the Malawi M1 road rehabilitation project
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Employment impact assessment of the Malawi M1 road rehabilitation project

August 2023 Newsletter
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Newsletter issue No.12

August 2023 Newsletter

This edition features interesting articles on various topics ranging from; promotion of decent work agenda, expansion of social protection programmes, promotion of employment opportunities, elimination of child labour, and promotion of social dialogue. All these are meant to showcase the impact of our interventions in people’s lives in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique

TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9
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TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9

TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9

TRANSFORM is an innovative learning initiative on the implementation of national social protection floors in Africa. It promotes critical thinking and builds capacity at national and subnational levels to improve the design, effectiveness and efficiency of social protection systems. To learn more, download the TRANSFORM E-newsletter.

National Action Plan on Child Labour, 2020-2025
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National Action Plan on Child Labour, 2020-2025

The development of the second Malawi National Action Plan on Child Labour (NAP II) covering the period 2020-2025 reaffirms Malawi government commitment to the elimination of child labour and thus calls stakeholders and the general public to join hands in the elimination of child labour. The successful implementation of the NAP II hinges on the commitment of all the stakeholders. The NAP II is aligned to the draft National Child Labour Policy, the Malawi Growth Development Strategy (MGDS) III and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - SDG 8 in order to achieve coherence with these key development strategies

April 2023 Newsletter
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Newsletter issue No.12

April 2023 Newsletter

The April 2023 Newsletter features interesting articles covering a wide range of topics and subjects involving development cooperation projects and events that occurred between January 2023 to May 2023.

Financial Inclusion in Uganda by MobiPay
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Financial Inclusion in Uganda by MobiPay

The Elimination of Child Labour_MNE Declaration and Child Labour Platform
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The Elimination of Child Labour_MNE Declaration and Child Labour Platform

Code of conduct for employers on the elimination of child labour in Malawi
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Code of conduct for employers on the elimination of child labour in Malawi

This code offers guidelines to employers on the elimination of child labour and serves as an encouragement for government institutions, workers and employers organizations, local leaders, parents, teachers, children and communities to get involved in combating child labour.

Inclusive Technology Options to support CL Identification and Remediation
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Inclusive Technology Options to support CL Identification and Remediation

The Elimination of CL and the Business and Human Rights Agenda
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The Elimination of CL and the Business and Human Rights Agenda

Ofi Child Labour Sustainability and Due Diligence Strategy
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Ofi Child Labour Sustainability and Due Diligence Strategy

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The Child Labour Free Zones in Ghana
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The Child Labour Free Zones in Ghana

Malawi: Employers guide on elimination of child labour
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Malawi: Employers guide on elimination of child labour

This guide was designed to help employers and their associations in Malawi understand and take action against child labour.

FKE adopt a school initiative
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FKE adopt a school initiative

The AU Ten Year Action Plan
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The AU Ten Year Action Plan

ILO at a Glance for Malawi
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ILO at a Glance for Malawi

ILO at a Glance for Malawi gives an insight of ILO intervention in Malawi