All publications for country
ILO Working paper 109
Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries
This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of the institutional and labour relations regimes in six African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, and South Africa with a special emphasis on promoting decent working conditions for Local and Regional Government (LRG) workers.
An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts
The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of how the project implementation related activities of the Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) generate long-term development impacts which arise out of: (a) the benefits for users and the wider society of the improved assets, and (b) the employment and increased incomes of those employed on projects.
Newsletter issue No.12
August 2023 Newsletter
This edition features interesting articles on various topics ranging from; promotion of decent work agenda, expansion of social protection programmes, promotion of employment opportunities, elimination of child labour, and promotion of social dialogue. All these are meant to showcase the impact of our interventions in people’s lives in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique
TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9
TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9
TRANSFORM is an innovative learning initiative on the implementation of national social protection floors in Africa. It promotes critical thinking and builds capacity at national and subnational levels to improve the design, effectiveness and efficiency of social protection systems. To learn more, download the TRANSFORM E-newsletter.
Newsletter issue No.12
April 2023 Newsletter
The April 2023 Newsletter features interesting articles covering a wide range of topics and subjects involving development cooperation projects and events that occurred between January 2023 to May 2023.
South-South and Triangular Cooperation
CPLP-ILO Cooperation
The partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) is anchored in social justice, particularly Decent Work, and promotes tripartite dialogue along with South- South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). For more information about CPLP – ILO cooperation, refer to the South-South Meeting Point platform, which provides the latest updates and relevant documents on this partnership.
ILO at a Glance for Malawi
ILO at a Glance for Malawi gives an insight of ILO intervention in Malawi
December 2022 Newsletter
The December 2022 Newsletter contains interesting impact / human interest stories covering Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique
ILO at a Glance for Zambia
The ILO at a Glance for Zambia gives brief insight of ILO intervention in the country
ILO Working paper 86
Negotiations by workers in the informal economy
This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations and collective bargaining by workers in the informal economy.
ILO Working paper 86
Negotiations by workers in the informal economy (epub)
This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations and collective bargaining by workers in the informal economy.
ILO Working paper 86
Negotiations by workers in the informal economy (mobi)
This paper provides empirical evidence from Africa, Asia and the Americas on negotiations and collective bargaining by workers in the informal economy.
Newsletter issue No.9
August Newsletter 2022
The August 2022 Newsletter captures interesting human interest / impact stories and project activities under Country Office- Lusaka, covering Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.
2022-2026 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Mozambique
The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Mozambique between 2022 – 2026 represents the UN’s collective support to the achievement of the Five-Year Government Programme (2020 – 2024), Mozambique’s National Development Strategy 2015 – 2035, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the African Union Agenda 2063. Jointly developed, it is an agreement between the Government of Mozambique and the UN to work together, in partnership with the broader society, including civil society, academia, the private sector, and development partners, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an integrated manner. The UNSDCF will contribute to a vision for the country where all people equitably participate in, and benefit from, sustainable development in a peaceful and resilient Mozambican society, underpinned by gender equality.
Trade for Decent Work Project
With funding from the European Union and the Government of Finland, in Mozambique, the project seeks to support improvement of the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labor relations and working conditions. It is part of the global project “Trade for Decent Work”, that, besides Mozambique, is also being implemented in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Cabo Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Ghana and Madagascar.
Newsletter issue No.9
April Newsletter 2022
The Newsletter April 2022 edition features exciting human interest stories and hard news stories among them; the Lead story- Skills for Energy in Southern Africa Project Trainee Excels in Solar Energy Training in Zimbabwe among others.
Newsletter issue No.8
December Newsletter 2021
The December Newsletter 2021 captures interesting human interest stories, activities and events for CO-Lusaka that took place in the last quarter of 2021.
TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 7
TRANSFORM is an innovative learning initiative on the implementation of national social protection floors in Africa. TRANSFORM promotes critical thinking and builds capacity at national and subnational levels to improve the design, effectiveness and efficiency of social protection systems. It focuses on non-contributory social protection schemes and programmes. To learn more, download the TRANSFORM E-newsletter
Social Protection Budget Brief – English version
The Social Protection Budget Brief is a flagship annual publication produced by the ILO and UNICEF since 2013 to provide key information about fiscal space for social protection in Mozambique, including budgetary trends, budget sources, expenditure by programme, performance levels, challenges identified and recommendations to overcome financial gaps.
ILO at A Glance for Mozambique
The ILO and its work in Mozambique
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