All publications for country
ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
Belize tripartite partners validate Decent Work Country Diagnostic; Jamaica and Brazil strengthen their actions to achieve the first generation free of child labour, ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink November 2023
In this issue: Guyana tripartite partners participate in ILO training to advance next DWCP, ILO presents comprehensive review of social protection system to policymakers in Suriname, Regional CANTA meeting features ILO insights for improving TVET in the Caribbean and more
Cost assessment for an unemployment insurance scheme in Belize
The main objective of this Report is to assess the cost of the implementation of an unemployment insurance (UI) scheme in Belize considering two specific design options (design options A and B), as well as alternative design options, aligned with the two most important ILO Conventions for UI: the Social Security (Minimum Standards Convention, 1952 (No. 102) and Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988 (No. 168).
A sector selection and value chain analysis in Belize - Sustainable tourism and dehydrated fruits processing in the districts of Toledo and Stann Creek
This publication offers a structured framework for identifying value chains that foster economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Furthermore, it enables the identification of constraints and opportunities that may impact value chain performance.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink August 2023
In this issue: ILO Caribbean Director emphasizes strong policies to close gaps in skills and formality during regional CAF event; NTUCB launches new strategic plan and website with support from ILO; New ILO Caribbean report analyzes how EMBOs can benefit from digitalization that enhances data management and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink July 2023
In this issue: Tripartite constituents in Barbados identify key areas for ILO collaboration; ILO Caribbean holds meetings in Belize to prepare new Decent Work Country Programme; ITCILO and ILO Caribbean partner with Cipriani College to advance digital transformation and enhance lifelong learning and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink June 2023
In this issue: Caribbean labour leaders join global discussions at ILC2023 to advance social justice for all; ILO participates in Trinidad and Tobago Industrial Court Symposium; Dominica farmers and fisherfolk gain skills for socio-economic resilience through ILO-led capacity building and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink May 2023
In this issue: Government of Guyana partners with ILO to host 12th Caribbean Labour Ministers Meeting; Belize joins Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour; ILO donates digital devices to Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Labour for the modernization of its inspection system and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink April 2023
In this issue: Government of Belize and ILO hold value chain analysis validation session with stakeholders for the growth of decent jobs through MSMEs; ILO participates in trade union seminar on securing pensions in Suriname; ILO assesses the financial sustainability of unemployment insurance systems during ISSA technical seminar in Antigua and Barbuda and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink March 2023
In this issue: The ILO Governing Body concludes its 347th session; ILO delivers keynote address on labour market inclusion to round table in Curacao; ILO participates in the Belize Child Labour Sensitization Training Session for Frontline Workers and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink February 2023
In this issue: Suriname signs Decent Work Country Programme III; ILO continues work on comprehensive review of Suriname’s Social Protection System; Youth Entrepreneurship Academy Alumni Network launched in the Caribbean and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink January 2023
In this issue: ILO assists Caribbean EBMOs in harnessing CRM software to improve processes; ILO participates in Belize’s Post Disaster Needs Assessment; New UN Project Launched to Improve Social Protection and Youth Employment in the Region and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink November 2022
In this issue: The Bahamas ratifies two ILO Conventions; Suriname concludes successful DWCP III validation workshop; ILO and UNRCO discuss partnership and resource mobilization strategies to support the work of the UNCT in Belize and more.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink August 2022
In this issue: ILO to conduct Actuarial Review of Belize’s Social Security Scheme and the cost assessment for the unemployment insurance; Skills development through quality apprenticeships: Addressing skills mismatch and youth unemployment; The Caribbean to benefit from the expertise of newly ILO certified business coaches; Latin America and the Caribbean constituents envision workplaces free from violence and harassment; ILO to assist the Saint Lucia Employers’ Federation in developing membership strategy; Youth labour market integration: the case for quality apprenticeships in the Caribbean; Recovery in youth employment is still lagging, says ILO; Video: Building a new vision for the pineapple value chain in Suriname and more
Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy, 2022-2025
The development of the Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy 2022-2025 was an iterative process that commenced in August 2021. A literature review was undertaken accompanied by an extensive series of bilateral consultations with multiple stakeholders spanning representatives from the Government of Belize, civil society, and the private sector.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink January - April 2022
In this issue: ILO and the NTC conclude successful RBM training workshop in The Bahamas; ILO teams up with Ministry of Labour, Guyana, to improve recording of OSH accidents and diseases; ILO Caribbean Office participates at virtual launch of the CEC-CCL Joint Regional effort under the Spotlight Initiative; ILO Caribbean Office-CINTEFOR launch new course on Quality apprenticeships in the Caribbean; ILO participates in UN media sensitization session to improve SDG reporting in Trinidad and Tobago; ILO conducts sensitization workshop on international labour standards reporting for officials in Belize; John Bliek joins the ILO Caribbean Office's DWT as Specialist in Sustainable Enterprise Development and Job Creation and more
Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021
2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary
The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.
ILO Working Paper 26
Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean
Although extreme climate events pose significant challenges to labour markets, there is a paucity of empirical literature studying their impacts. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of hurricane strikes on unemployment across a sample of Caribbean countries. In breaking down the unemployment data, our findings demonstrate that there is very little difference in the impact for adult males and females as well as male youth, however female youth may be slightly more disadvantaged. Finally, labour legislation appears to provide some mitigating impact from hurricane strikes.
COVID-19 and the world of work
COVID-19 and the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean labour market. A rapid assessment of the impact on policy responses at the end of Q3, 2020
The report aims to take stock of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the labour market in the region and provide a systematic review of the main policy measures implemented by governments and social partners of the region. The information contained herein is actualized to the month of October 2020. By the very nature of the COVID-19 crisis and of the areas under investigation, changes may be fast paced as well as there may be availability of new data. The reader is advised to be mindful of those developments.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery of TVET in CARICOM Member States
The capacity of technical and vocation education instructors to design, deliver, and assess student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is critical to maintaining continuity of skills development. The objective of the survey was to understand the extent of the use of ICT in the delivery of TVET programmes in CARICOM Member States.