All publications for country
Promoting just transitions for an environmentally sustainable economy in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan has been experiencing consistent growth in CO2 emissions, continuous increases in temperature extremes and heightened risks of environmental hazards. While supporting the country’s efforts in greening enterprises and transitioning towards environmentally sustainable development patterns, it is crucial to target MSMEs considering their importance for the Kyrgyz economy and society. Through building the capacity of key stakeholders in the world of work, the intervention seeks to enhance the environmental sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness of enterprises through promoting the greening of MSMEs and their integration into the circular economy and global value chains.
Newsletter #4 - December 2023
Newsletter #3 - October 2023
Report with results of the informal sector survey in Kyrgyzstan
The survey of informal workers was conducted as part of the ILO project "Transition from Informal to Formal Employment" with direct involvement of sectoral trade union organizations. The survey results will be used by sectoral trade unions to expand their outreach and effective organizing among informal workers.
Diagnostic report. Transition from informal to formal employment: Extension of social protection schemes (maternity and unemployment) in Kyrgyzstan
The purpose of this inception report is to demonstrate an understanding of the problem and theory of change for the assignment (i.e., the role of social protection in facilitating the transition from informal to formal employment in the Kyrgyz Republic).
Quick Guide to Budgeting Process in the Kyrgyz Republic
This report was prepared by the ILO external consultant Kadyrbek Kalkanov, with support of the International Labour Organization (ILO), represented by Jasmina Papa.
Closing legal and policy gaps in maternity protection in the Kyrgyz Republic
This report documents the changes which have taken place in national policies and legislation related to maternity protection in the world of work since the Government received the reports and publications reviewing relevant laws of the Kyrgyz Republic from the viewpoint of provisions of the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156); and it highlights ILO standards, which can assist specialists and experts in improving and implementing the maternity protection strategy in the world of work.
Kyrgyz Republic: Social Protection Profile
The social protection system of the Kyrgyz Republic has undergone several reforms on the level of individual programmes in the last three decades. Yet, significant gaps persist in both legal provisions and in terms of effective coverage, adequacy of benefits and access to social care services exposing all age groups to a wide range of risks throughout their lifecycle.
Newsletter #2 - June 2023
Applying design thinking to develop new service models for inclusion of working age persons with disabilities in community and labour market in Kyrgyzstan. Final report
This report presents the results and the process of “Applying design thinking to develop new service models for inclusion of adult persons with disabilities in community and labour market in Kyrgyzstan”. The process included a research phase as well as a Design Thinking Workshop, both aiming at understanding and mapping different perspectives and needs of constituents and stakeholders working on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market and the social protection system in Kyrgyzstan.
Newsletter #1 - April 2023
Newsletter #4 - December 2022
Newsletter #3 - October 2022
Enhancing disability - inclusiveness of social protection system in Kyrgyzstan - Project brief
Trade unions in transformation: Experiences from Europe and Central Asia
The aim of this study is to look at seven cases of trade unions actions in Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan in the years immediately before and during the COVID-19 crisis to identify lessons that can be learned for trade union revitalization and recovery from the crisis. This paper looks at positive experiences and innovative examples in a complicated trade union environment where labour and trade union rights are under pressure.
Newsletter #2 - June 2022
Newsletter #1 -March 2022
Newsletter #4 - December 2021
Newsletter #3 - October 2021
Application of key labour law provisions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Russian Federation
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented countries with unprecedented challenges. While understandable given the unprecedented scale of the economic impact, one of the questions that can be asked in this respect is whether businesses that terminated workers and/or reduced their working hours, did so in compliance with the requirements of the labour laws of their respective countries. To shed some light on this question, the ILO commissioned research in five countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, namely Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. Researchers considered whether or not key provisions related to 1) the termination of employment; 2) the reduction of working hours; 3) annual leave; and 4) emergency provisions (i.e. state of emergency, force majeure, etc.) were applied in practiceю Based on the findings of the research, the report recommends that Government, in consultation with the social partners, ensure that legislative frameworks are emergency responsive and that a strategic compliance system is in place within which relevant institutions, such as courts and labour inspection services, can provide effective compliance guidance through the provision of advisory services and effective enforcement.