All publications for country
A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining
ILO Working Paper 74
Collective bargaining in seven European countries throughout the pandemic (mobi)
This Working Paper investigates developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in a selection of European countries.
ILO Working Paper 74
Collective bargaining in seven European countries throughout the pandemic (html)
This Working Paper investigates developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in a selection of European countries.
ILO Working Paper 74
Collective bargaining in seven European countries throughout the pandemic
This Working Paper investigates developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in a selection of European countries.
ILO Working Paper 74
Collective bargaining in seven European countries throughout the pandemic (epub)
This Working Paper investigates developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in a selection of European countries.
ILO Brief
Key findings, good practices and action points
This brief identifies the key findings, good practices and action points that emerged from the study on access to protection and remedy for human trafficking victims in Belgium and the Netherlands.
ILO Brief
Research brief: The role of trade unions in Belgium and the Netherlands
This research brief zooms into findings with regard to the role trade unions play in providing access to protection and remedy to (potential) human trafficking victims for the purpose of labour exploitation in Belgium and the Netherlands.
ILO Brief
Executive Summary - Access to protection and remedy for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation in Belgium and the Netherlands
ILO Brief
Research brief: The role of labour inspectors in Belgium and the Netherlands
This brief studies the role of labour inspectors in Belgium and the Netherlands with regard to access to protection and remedy for human trafficking victims for the purpose of labour exploitation
ILO Brief
Research brief: Study overview
This research brief provides an overview of the study "Access to protection and remedy for human trafficking victims for the purpose of labour exploitation in Belgium and the Netherlands".
ILO report
Access to protection and remedy for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation in Belgium and the Netherlands
Belgium and the Netherlands are recognised for their handling of anti-trafficking law and policy. This report examines the access to protection and remedy for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation that are available in both countries.
EU - ILO comparative review
Individual and collective dispute resolution systems - A comparative review
The present report investigates specific individual and collective labour dispute resolution practices and institutions in a selected sample of countries: Australia, Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The countries were selected to reflect broadly different legal and industrial relations systems with diverse forms and traditions of dispute resolution.
EU - ILO comparative review
Facilities for trade union officials and members to exercise their rights – A comparative review
The report seeks to highlight the common denominator of the two main issues which will be analysed: the right to organize, id est the right to form and join organizations of workers or employers, and the facilities granted to workers’ representatives. The former is of a more fundamental nature (freedom of assembly, non-discrimination and non-interference), whereas the latter (facilities) is more technical. The countries which will be examined are the following: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
Social dialogue and the Future of Work
Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
Key developments, role and organization of Public Employment Services in Great Britain, Belgium-Flanders and Germany
Historical reforms, role and organization of Public Employment Services (PES) in three selected developed countries.
Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 Cooperative contributions to SDG 7
This brief is part of the Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 series produced by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). Through a series of 17 briefs, one for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), COPAC hopes to raise awareness about the significant contributions of cooperative enterprises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda in a sustainable, inclusive and responsible way, and encourage continued support for their efforts. This brief focuses on SDG 7 – ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
European Union - ILO Cooperation: Factsheet, November 2017
Background document - EESC-ILO Conference on the Future of Work we want
In November 2016, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the ILO jointly organized a conference on The Future of Work we want.
Social Protection for Children
Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.
The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice
ILO Global Study, Volume 1: EUROPE