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Women and the World of Work in Uzbekistan. Towards Gender Equality and Decent Work for All. 2nd edition updated in 2023
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Women and the World of Work in Uzbekistan. Towards Gender Equality and Decent Work for All. 2nd edition updated in 2023

This is the second edition of the report which was updated in 2023 with the most available data. This report responds to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the position of women in the world of work of Uzbekistan. It aims to inform policy, legislation, and initiatives that seek to develop and promote decent work for all women and men. The analysis is based on a review of available empirical evidence, national law and policy, international labour standards and the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR), and insights from the interviews conducted with representatives of national stakeholders and international partners.

Advancing Gender Equality and Decent Work in Uzbekistan. A Compendium of the Conference: Pathways to gender equality and decent work in Uzbekistan with Country Cases and Policy Recommendations
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Advancing Gender Equality and Decent Work in Uzbekistan. A Compendium of the Conference: Pathways to gender equality and decent work in Uzbekistan with Country Cases and Policy Recommendations

ILO, Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, has compiled a Compendium of Country Cases and Policy Recommendations based on the high-level Conference Pathways to gender equality and decent work in Uzbekistan, in Tashkent held on May 23rd, 2023. This Compendium highlights Uzbekistan's commitment to advancing gender equality and decent work while summarizing the progress made and challenges faced. It provides policy recommendations to address gender gaps and enhance social protection. The report emphasizes the significance of gender equality for sustainable development and underscores the need for comprehensive policies and cultural transformation.

Newsletter #4 - December 2023
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Newsletter #4 - December 2023

Newsletter #3 - October 2023
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Newsletter #3 - October 2023

Policy Note. Selection of policy options for unemployment and maternity benefits in Uzbekistan to support the transition from informal to formal employment
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Policy Note. Selection of policy options for unemployment and maternity benefits in Uzbekistan to support the transition from informal to formal employment

The purpose of this policy note is to document the rationale for and process surrounding the selection of options for an improved maternity and unemployment benefit system in Uzbekistan.

Newsletter #2 - June 2023
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Newsletter #2 - June 2023

Newsletter #1 - April 2023
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Newsletter #1 - April 2023

Newsletter #4 - December 2022
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Newsletter #4 - December 2022

Newsletter #3 - October 2022
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Newsletter #3 - October 2022

Newsletter #2 - June 2022
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Newsletter #2 - June 2022

The role of social protection and employment promotion as viewed by the young people of Uzbekistan
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Rapid poll results

The role of social protection and employment promotion as viewed by the young people of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s large young population can make a significant contribution to the country’s ambitious development plans. This report presents perception of more than 8,000 young people about social protection and employment promotion programmes which can be useful pointers to policy makers and development partners when designing such programmes.

Building Trust in Cotton Fields: The ILO’s engagement in Uzbekistan
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Building Trust in Cotton Fields: The ILO’s engagement in Uzbekistan

Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour - Uzbekistan Edition
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Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour - Uzbekistan Edition

The Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour – Uzbekistan Edition serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, trainers and other actors in Uzbekistan who write about labour migration, especially in the context of recruitment of migrant workers and forced labour. The ILO conducted the validation workshop based on a draft of the media friendly glossary. This glossary was produced under the ILO project “<a href="">From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labour (Bridge Project)</a>,” funded by the US Department of Labor.

2021 third-party monitoring of child labour and forced labour during the cotton harvest in Uzbekistan
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2021 third-party monitoring of child labour and forced labour during the cotton harvest in Uzbekistan

Newsletter #1 -March 2022
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Newsletter #1 -March 2022

Newsletter #4 - December 2021
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Newsletter #4 - December 2021

Newsletter #3 - October 2021
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Newsletter #3 - October 2021

Social protection in case of job loss: possible options to expand the coverage with unemployment protection programmes in Uzbekistan
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Social protection in case of job loss: possible options to expand the coverage with unemployment protection programmes in Uzbekistan

This national report was drafted under the guidance of the International Labour Organization (ILO) team within the UN Joint Programme on Social Protection in Uzbekistan funded by the Joint SDG Fund. The purpose of this report is to provide options for expanding the degree of coverage Uzbekistan’s unemployment protection programmes provide through a) the design of a general social insurance legal framework with an emphasis on strengthened unemployment insurance; and b) proposing options for a gradual extension of the coverage unemployment protection provides, starting with groups of workers in the informal economy that have the capacity to contribute. The report can serve as a background document to be used in deliberations as part of the Republican Tripartite Commission, working groups and policy makers drafting the Strategy for Social Protection for 2022-2030, Employment Strategy and Poverty Reduction Strategy to design measures aimed at strengthening protection against unemployment in the medium and long terms. Additionally, the report can be used by social partners to dovetail their actions and advocacy efforts.

Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021
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Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021

Uzbekistan - Feedback mechanism on forced labour and other labour rights violations
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Uzbekistan - Feedback mechanism on forced labour and other labour rights violations

This promising practice is part of a series, and results from a stocktaking exercise undertaken five years after the launch of the Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI).