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Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?
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Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?

Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience
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Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience

This report outlines the role social dialogue played in designing response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through six country case studies, it shows the value of social dialogue in times of crisis, and the pitfalls when dialogue did not take place.

Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses
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ILO Working paper 32

Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses

This paper presents the emergence and growth of digital labour markets in Eastern Europe over the period 1999-2019. It presents the profiles of digital workers, their working conditions and discusses how these are shaped by the business models of digital labour platforms.

Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
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Social dialogue and the Future of Work

Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work

Lithuania - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2017-2018)
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Lithuania - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2017-2018)

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 April
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 April

This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, and features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.

Lithuania - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2017)
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Lithuania - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2017)

What does the new ILO WORLD EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL OUTLOOK – Trends 2018 report say about Central and Eastern Europe?
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What does the new ILO WORLD EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL OUTLOOK – Trends 2018 report say about Central and Eastern Europe?

The ILO's World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2018 takes stock of the current global labour market situation. The report launched during the recent annual meeting of the World Economic Forum raises concerns about the ability of the global economy to generate sufficient jobs. For Central and Eastern Europe the report states that the rebound of economic growth does not lead to major employment increase.

The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice
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The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice

ILO Global Study, Volume 1: EUROPE

Ageing and labour market implications for Lithuania
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Ageing and labour market implications for Lithuania

Developing entrepreneurship among women with disabilities in the Baltic States : exploratory survey summary report
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Developing entrepreneurship among women with disabilities in the Baltic States : exploratory survey summary report

Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Problem and response
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Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Problem and response


Towards excessive job insecurity in transition economies ?
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Towards excessive job insecurity in transition economies ?

Employment Paper 2001/23

Foreign labour in Lithuania: Immigration, employment and illegal work
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International Migration Papers No. 31

Foreign labour in Lithuania: Immigration, employment and illegal work