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Impact of the war in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 3
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ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 3

Impact of the war in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 3

Impact of the escalation of hostilities in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 2
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ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 2

Impact of the escalation of hostilities in Gaza on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Bulletin No. 2

Impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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ILO Brief - Bulletin No. 1

Impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Is the social protection system for private sector workers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory fit for purpose?
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Is the social protection system for private sector workers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory fit for purpose?

Key insights from a recent evaluation show gaps with existing employer liability schemes

Policy Brief: Income Dynamics and their Implications for Social Protection in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Policy Brief: Income Dynamics and their Implications for Social Protection in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This policy brief provides recommendations for the social protection sector in the Palestinian Territory to become more responsive to the dynamic nature of poverty, highlighting the importance of inclusive social protection and extending coverage beyond extreme poverty for sustainable poverty reduction.

Strategic Compliance Planning in action, Stories of Change
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Strategic Compliance Planning in action, Stories of Change

The stories chronicle practical uses of the ILO’s Strategic Compliance Planning (SCP) methodology to help labour inspectorates achieve measurable improvements in labour law compliance for over 500,000 workers across 12 Member States.

Partners’ Meeting in Support of the Palestinian National Employment Strategy: Meeting Summary
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Partners’ Meeting in Support of the Palestinian National Employment Strategy: Meeting Summary

This document provides an overview of the key points discussed at a high-level partner’s meeting convened in Amman, Jordan in February 2023 by the Palestinian Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with the Palestinian Prime Minister’s Office and in partnership with the ILO, the Arab Labour Organization and the Government of Germany, to garner international support for implementing the first Palestinian National Employment Strategy (NES).

Towards a social pension for all older people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Towards a social pension for all older people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This policy brief sets out to discuss options for strengthening the Palestinian pension system by presenting alternatives for the implementation of a social pension that would effectively ensure basic income security for all older women and men.

Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Country Profile: Productivity growth, diversification, and structural change in the Arab States
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Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Country Profile: Productivity growth, diversification, and structural change in the Arab States

Targeting by proxy: An assessment of targeting efficiency of the proxy means test in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Targeting by proxy: An assessment of targeting efficiency of the proxy means test in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Technical Paper, June 2022

Strengthening nexus coherence and responsiveness of the Palestinian social protection sector
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Strengthening nexus coherence and responsiveness of the Palestinian social protection sector

A vital but fragmented Palestinian social protection system

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
Cover for METI report on Trade, investments and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Thematic Report

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Thematic Report of the "Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood" Programme (METI).

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
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Thematic Report

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Summary of the Thematic Report of the "Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood" Programme (METI)

Stories of Change
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Stories of Change

Strategic Compliance Planning 2020 - 2021

On the Road to Universal Social Protection: A social protection floor assessment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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On the Road to Universal Social Protection: A social protection floor assessment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The report provides analysis of the coverage, adequacy and impact of the Palestinian social protection system, and includes a series of recommendations as a basis for future policy dialogue.

World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
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World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

This regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is intended to complement the ILO’s World Social Protection Report 2021–22. Social Protection at the Crossroads – in Pursuit of a Better Future. The regional companion report first gives a global perspective that is taken from the main report and outlines recent developments in social protection systems worldwide. It then highlights key developments, challenges and priorities for social protection in the MENA region.

Public employment service: Functional assessment, Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Public employment service: Functional assessment, Occupied Palestinian Territory

This report, as part of the of the support, is a baseline assessment of the capacity of the Palestinian Public Employment Services (PPES) to (i) help jobseekers access quality services for securing employment and enhancing their employability; and (ii) ensure services are responsive to the needs of employers. The report also includes recommendations and an action plan laid out in a Logical Framework Approach (LFA) matrix for strengthening the capacity and modernizing the PPES in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, so that it can serve as an effective implementation vehicle for the forthcoming National Employment Strategy.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Labour Market in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: a Forecasting Model Assessment
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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Labour Market in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: a Forecasting Model Assessment

The purpose of this report is to highlight the impact of COVID-19 on the labour market in the OPT, despite the lack of detailed data. Policy recommendations are provided based on the results of the analysis and with a view to mitigating the impact of the pandemic on the labour market in the OPT.

Impacts of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Formal Private Sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 
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Impacts of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Formal Private Sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 

Authorities have attempted to control the spread of COVID-19 in the Occupied Palestinian Territory through restrictions on movement and economic activity, which are expected to have adverse economic effects. To mitigate these impacts, the Ministry of Labour (MoL) presented a Response Plan with options to support workers among three categories of affected businesses. This report assesses the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the Palestinian formal private sector, and provides policy options and associated costs to inform potential response measures. 

Kuwait - ILO Cooperation: Factsheet, 2019
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Kuwait - ILO Cooperation: Factsheet, 2019

Kuwait is an ILO member State which has ratified 19 ILO Conventions, including seven fundamental Conventions. Kuwait is committed to promoting decent work and social justice in the Arab States and in particular to support ILO programmes in the occupied Palestinian territory.