All publications for country
Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work
Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH-- Sarajevo Canton and entity Republika Srpska), Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia
Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work
Rapid assessment on child labour in agriculture in Kosovo
This report describes the nature, pattern, distribution, dynamics and causes of child labour in agriculture, and suggests possible policy options to address child labour in Kosovo’s agricultural sector.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July
The newsletter covers the support the ILO CEE Office gave to Ukraine during the war, recent results in Albania, the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkans, and new projects recently signed by the office. It is an important development that the Office also serves Georgia as of July 2023. In addition, we introduce fresh publications and newly joined staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 March
This issue, among others, reports on the ILO response to the crisis in Ukraine caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation, after one year of war. The newsletter also introduces programme results and new projects, including an EU- and SIDA-funded 5-million EUR project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and new collaborations with SECO and GIZ. Fresh publications and new staff are also featured in the newsletter.
Child labour in Kosovo: An enquiry into the causes and impact of child labour
This report provides a descriptive overview of the prevalence, determinants and effects of child labour based on descriptive and regression analysis of Kosovo’s 2019-2020 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 December
This issue reports on the ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO published its service offer for the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine through decent work promotion. The newsletter also introduces new beneficiary stories, programme results and a new project, a fresh publication and new staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 September
This issue, among others, reports on the ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. With ILO support, workers' and employers' organisations from Ukraine continue to provide emergency aid to internally displaced people and to enterprises that had to relocate. The ILO expanded collaboration with the State Labour Inspectorate of Ukraine on informing Ukrainian refugees on the risks of human trafficking and labour exploitation. The newsletter also introduces programme results and new projects. fresh publications and new staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 June
This issue, first and foremost, reports on ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO, with the support of its funding partners, repurposed several projects in Ukraine to respond to the most urgent humanitarian and employment-related needs. The newsletter introduces programme results and new projects. fresh publications and new staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 March
This issue reports on the work of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Ukraine disrupted by the war, introduces a new project, programme results, several beneficiary stories, features fresh publications and new staff. Videos with Project Managers inform viewers about what the regional office undertook to improve work opportunities in Ukraine and Montenegro.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 December
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results, several beneficiary stories and features a fresh publication and new staff. A video with a Technical Specialist informs viewers about what the regional office does to improve work opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 September
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and new staff. Videos with the Director and Technical Specialists of the Office guide viewers on what the ILO did to mitigate the pandemic crisis, and on the services it can offer.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 June
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces beneficiary stories, programme results and new projects, and features ILO CEE collaborations, fresh publications and new staff.
Occupational Safety and Health Profile. Promoting decent work through strengthening occupational safety and health management and social dialogue in Kosovo
The profile provides an overview and the most up-to-date information on the current Occupational Safety and Health situation, assesses gaps in the OSH system and identifies priority areas for action.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 March
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features ILO resources related to the pandemic, fresh publications and new staff.
Measurement, awareness raising, and policy engagement project (MAP16) in Kosovo
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 December
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and new staff. Labour migration and an interview with the new UN Resident Coordinator are in the focus of this edition.
Analysis of costs for managing cases of child labour in Kosovo
This report assesses the unit cost for handling cases of child labour and analyses the source of funding of providers that deliver social services to children in need
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 September
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region, highlighting the new rapid assessment reports in Serbia and Montenegro. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and staff.