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Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses
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ILO Working paper 32

Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses

This paper presents the emergence and growth of digital labour markets in Eastern Europe over the period 1999-2019. It presents the profiles of digital workers, their working conditions and discusses how these are shaped by the business models of digital labour platforms.

Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
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Social dialogue and the Future of Work

Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work

Reversing Pension Privatizations. Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America
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Reversing Pension Privatizations. Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America

From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions; as of 2018, eighteen countries have reversed the privatization.

Second-pillar pension re-reforms in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, and Slovakia. Benefit payouts amidst continuing retrenchment
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Extension of Social Security - Working Paper - ESS 72

Second-pillar pension re-reforms in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, and Slovakia. Benefit payouts amidst continuing retrenchment

What does the new ILO WORLD EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL OUTLOOK – Trends 2018 report say about Central and Eastern Europe?
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What does the new ILO WORLD EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL OUTLOOK – Trends 2018 report say about Central and Eastern Europe?

The ILO's World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2018 takes stock of the current global labour market situation. The report launched during the recent annual meeting of the World Economic Forum raises concerns about the ability of the global economy to generate sufficient jobs. For Central and Eastern Europe the report states that the rebound of economic growth does not lead to major employment increase.

The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice
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The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice

ILO Global Study, Volume 1: EUROPE

Labour Market Measures in Latvia 2008–13: The Crisis and Beyond
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Labour Market Measures in Latvia 2008–13: The Crisis and Beyond

Latvia was one of the world’s hardest-hit economies during the Great Recession. In 2008–09, Latvian GDP contracted by almost 25 per cent, employment fell by about 20 per cent and the unemployment rate exceeded 21 per cent. The sectors that suffered most were construction, industry and trade, but essentially the recession affected all sectors of the economy and all population groups.

Expanding the outreach and impact of OSH standards in micro and small enterprises
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Informal Meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs hosted by the Latvian EU Presidency

Expanding the outreach and impact of OSH standards in micro and small enterprises

The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union identified the issue of occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) as a topic for the Informal Ministerial Meeting (IMM). The IMM created a forum to share good practices and ideas on how to improve OSH in MSEs. Based on the participants’ interventions, several key messages and priorities were identified as a basis for future work and actions.

Learning from Catalyst of Rural Transformation
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Learning from Catalyst of Rural Transformation

This publication reviews 8 cases of "Catalyst" of rural transformation from different countries. It extracts lessons that remind us of the economic and development potential of rural areas, and most important, the central role of rural men and women, young people, indigenous populations and other groups to unleash that potential.

Learning from Catalyst of Rural Transformation
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Learning from Catalyst of Rural Transformation

This publication reviews 8 cases of "Catalyst" of rural transformation from different countries. It extracts lessons that remind us of the economic and development potential of rural areas, and most important, the central role of rural men and women, young people, indigenous populations and other groups to unleash that potential.

Chapter 2: Eco-Health Farm Network (EHFN), Latvia
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Chapter 2: Eco-Health Farm Network (EHFN), Latvia

Founded in the early 2000s, the Eco-Health Farm Network (EHFN) supports small-scale producers in rural Latvia to integrate organic farming practices, health services, environmental preservation, and educational tourism into their work.

Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe
Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe - Cover

Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe

This study explores various aspects of the inland navigation in the European region, addressing all the essential aspects in relation to the working and living conditions of the crews, including relevant laws and regulations, occupational safety and health, social security and enforcement, etc.

The politics of economic adjustment in Europe : State unilateralism or social dialogue?
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The politics of economic adjustment in Europe : State unilateralism or social dialogue?

This article depicts the process of design and implementation of austerity policies aimed at reducing public deficits and debt in eight European countries and the role of social dialogue in this context. It is argued that, as governments are shifting policy priorities from economic stimulus towards fiscal consolidation and debt reduction, social dialogue and tripartism are given a less prominent role compared to the first phase of the global economic crisis, during which they played a significant part in devising crisis responses. Austerity policies are presented as being inevitable and non-negotiable. This may not be surprising, considering that the current structural adjustment promoted by the international financial institutions (IFIs), and lately the European Union (EU), is based on Washington Consensus policies which usually exclude public deliberation. The chapter argues that social dialogue should remain part of policy design and implementation even in times of crisis, and highlights several ways of rebalancing the negotiating powers of actors in the real economy to enable them to influence policy choices.

Developing entrepreneurship among women with disabilities in the Baltic States : exploratory survey summary report
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Developing entrepreneurship among women with disabilities in the Baltic States : exploratory survey summary report

Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Problem and response
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Child Labour in Europe and Central Asia: Problem and response


The role of employers’ organizations in privatization
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The role of employers’ organizations in privatization

IPPRED-7 (ILO Interdepartmental Action Programme on Privatization, Restructuring and Economic Democracy)