All publications for country
Women in Sports in Jordan - Goal for Life: Upskilling Fitness Trainers and Personal Trainers
Statistical Bulletin of Social Protection Indicators in Jordan: 2020-2021
The first Statistical Bulletin of Social Protection Indicators in Jordan is an important first step towards building a comprehensive database of the social protection system in Jordan, to be updated and released on annual basis in the coming years.
Jordan: Regulatory framework governing migrant workers
The country briefs map the key legal provisions dealing with migrant workers in eight Arab countries, summarizing the legal rules about who pays for recruitment, whether passport confiscation is prohibited by law, minimum working conditions including wages, working hours and rest periods, how to lodge grievances, and brief details of each country’s sponsorship regime.
Support to livelihoods through cultural heritage development
The core competences of UNESCO and ILO come together in this project to ensure dignified, sustainable livelihoods and create economic opportunities for Jordanians and Syrians through culture as a source of resilience.
Support to livelihoods through cultural heritage development in Jordan 2020 - 2024
Employment Intensive schemes in the northern governorates of Jordan help improve self-reliance through access to immediate short-term decent employment opportunities for Jordanians and Syrians in the cultural heritage sector.
Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) and decent work in Jordan
The overall strategic objective of the project is to support a more inclusive and accessible green labour market for vulnerable Syrian refugees and Jordanian men, women and persons with disabilities.
Policy Brief
ILO Convention 190: The Right of Everyone to a World of Work Free from Violence and Harassment in the Arab States
ILO Country Brief- Jordan
Green Jobs Assessment of Six Economic Sectors in Jordan - Synthesis Report
Green Jobs Assessment of Six Economic Sectors in Jordan - Technical Report
An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts
The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of how the project implementation related activities of the Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) generate long-term development impacts which arise out of: (a) the benefits for users and the wider society of the improved assets, and (b) the employment and increased incomes of those employed on projects.
Better Work Jordan: News and Updates
Highlights and insights from January - August 2023
Fact sheet
Employment-intensive afforestation activities in Irbid, Jordan
As part of its Employment Intensive Investment Programme in Jordan - Phase VI (2022-2024), funded by the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW), the ILO is creating short term employment opportunities for refugees and host communities through the planting of trees in the Irbid governorate.
Fact sheet
Employment Intensive Investment Programme in Jordan – Phase VI
Between 2022 and 2024 the ILO, with funding from the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW), is implementing an Employment Intensive Investment Programme in Jordan - Phase VI that aims to provide short term employment opportunities to refugees and host communities. Besides generating critical income support for families to cope with economic difficulties, the programme aims to help build Social Cohesion, Peace and Stability through green jobs and sustainable projects.
National Economic Contribution of Jordan’s Garment, Textile and Leather Industry
Global Synthesis Report
Executive Summary: Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
This is an executive summary of ILO PROSPECTS' baseline study on the right to work and rights at work for refugees - Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda, Sudan
ILO’s support to Syrian refugees and host communities
Updates from Jordan, Lebanon, Türkiye, Iraq, Syria and Egypt (June 2023)
Annual Report 2023: An Industry and Compliance Review
Better Work Jordan Reporting period: January - December 2022
Evaluation of Digital Training Modalities for the Jordanian Garment Sector
This study assesses training needs and experiences in Jordan's garment sector, explores digital training viability, and identifies suitable global solutions for the local context.
A Guide to a Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
The purpose of this guide is to provide adults with a range of activities that support their mental health and well-being. It is designed to help individuals identify enjoyable activities that can assist them in coping with the challenges of daily life.
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