All publications for country
SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development
SAMAP is an initiative of the Government of Suriname, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the financial resources of the European Union (EU)
ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
Belize tripartite partners validate Decent Work Country Diagnostic; Jamaica and Brazil strengthen their actions to achieve the first generation free of child labour, ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink November 2023
In this issue: Guyana tripartite partners participate in ILO training to advance next DWCP, ILO presents comprehensive review of social protection system to policymakers in Suriname, Regional CANTA meeting features ILO insights for improving TVET in the Caribbean and more
Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector
The main objective of the VCA is to identify opportunities for promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth of the wood-processing sector in Suriname in a way that specifically targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promotes environmental sustainability, encourages women’s economic empowerment, and generates formal job creation.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink February 2023
In this issue: Suriname signs Decent Work Country Programme III; ILO continues work on comprehensive review of Suriname’s Social Protection System; Youth Entrepreneurship Academy Alumni Network launched in the Caribbean and more
Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026
The DWCP is intended to represent the tripartite commitment of Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to achieve Suriname’s national development goals, as well as articulate a programme of action for the key areas in which the ILO’s collaboration with the tripartite partners is expected to lead to positive changes in the world of work.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2022
In this issue: Caribbean trainers successfully complete ILO Youth Entrepreneurship Academy; Building capacity for action on child labour in Trinidad and Tobago and in Suriname; Human resources' needs in the 'oil and gas' and 'construction' sectors in Guyana and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink November 2022
In this issue: The Bahamas ratifies two ILO Conventions; Suriname concludes successful DWCP III validation workshop; ILO and UNRCO discuss partnership and resource mobilization strategies to support the work of the UNCT in Belize and more.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink September 2022
In this issue: The development of Suriname's Third Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) is in motion; Suriname’s new national midterm labour market policy (2022-2025) launched and more.
Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025
The policy development process, which took place between October 2021 and July 2022, is the result of an inclusive and extensive tripartite dialogue between national stakeholders under the aegis of the tripartite Commission on the adoption of a Long-Term Labour Market Policy (CLTLMP) for Suriname.
ILO Caribbean NewsLink August 2022
In this issue: ILO to conduct Actuarial Review of Belize’s Social Security Scheme and the cost assessment for the unemployment insurance; Skills development through quality apprenticeships: Addressing skills mismatch and youth unemployment; The Caribbean to benefit from the expertise of newly ILO certified business coaches; Latin America and the Caribbean constituents envision workplaces free from violence and harassment; ILO to assist the Saint Lucia Employers’ Federation in developing membership strategy; Youth labour market integration: the case for quality apprenticeships in the Caribbean; Recovery in youth employment is still lagging, says ILO; Video: Building a new vision for the pineapple value chain in Suriname and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink July 2022
In this issue: ILO commences a comprehensive review of the Social Protection System of Suriname at the request of the Government; ILO lends technical support for the review /evaluation of Guyana's National Apprenticeship Programme; Five UN agencies collaborate to support the evolution of Trinidad and Tobago's National Statistical System; Construction of new facility to aid in vocational training for marginalized youth in Saint Lucia; New national child labour policy launched in Belize with support from ILO and UNICEF; ILO and PSI team up to conduct online seminar for Caribbean Trade Unions to raise awareness on ILS and ILO Supervisory Mechanisms; ILO adopts new guidelines on biological hazards in the world of work and more
ILO Caribbean NewsLink June 2022
In this issue: Caribbean Ministers of Labour meet with ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, at 110th session of the ILC; International Labour Conference adds safety and health to Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; ILO supports the development of a Regional Policy for Gender Based Violence at the Workplace (GBV); Suriname embarks on its 3rd Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP); ILO lends technical assistance to Suriname in the review of its TVET Programmes covered by the Foundation for Labour Mobilization and Development (SAO); ILO participates in Social Protection Workshop for media professionals; Employment opportunities; Information resources and more
The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)
This publication is meant to function as an evaluation tool and to be a useful guide for Government agencies, employers, workers, investors and key players in the labour and industrial relations environment.
Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021
2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary
The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.
The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - An assessment with a focus on productivity drivers
The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - Action Plans
ILO Working Paper 26
Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean
Although extreme climate events pose significant challenges to labour markets, there is a paucity of empirical literature studying their impacts. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of hurricane strikes on unemployment across a sample of Caribbean countries. In breaking down the unemployment data, our findings demonstrate that there is very little difference in the impact for adult males and females as well as male youth, however female youth may be slightly more disadvantaged. Finally, labour legislation appears to provide some mitigating impact from hurricane strikes.
Labour administration application 2.0 user guide
This user guide is for the data entry software, developed by the ILO Office for the Caribbean, under the supervision of Mr Diego Rei, ILO Employment and Labour Market Policies Specialist, and with the programming input of Mr Kerwyn Roach, over the triennium 2017-2019. The manual complements a series of web-based training sessions held during 2018-2019.
COVID-19 and the world of work
COVID-19 and the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean labour market. A rapid assessment of the impact on policy responses at the end of Q3, 2020
The report aims to take stock of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the labour market in the region and provide a systematic review of the main policy measures implemented by governments and social partners of the region. The information contained herein is actualized to the month of October 2020. By the very nature of the COVID-19 crisis and of the areas under investigation, changes may be fast paced as well as there may be availability of new data. The reader is advised to be mindful of those developments.