All publications for country
Denmark-ILO Cooperation
Denmark is a founding Member State of the ILO, and a key partner of the ILO in promoting the Decent Work Agenda. Denmark has ratified all ten Fundamental Conventions, the four Priority Conventions, and 59 Technical Conventions.
Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience
This report outlines the role social dialogue played in designing response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through six country case studies, it shows the value of social dialogue in times of crisis, and the pitfalls when dialogue did not take place.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 June
This issue, first and foremost, reports on ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO, with the support of its funding partners, repurposed several projects in Ukraine to respond to the most urgent humanitarian and employment-related needs. The newsletter introduces programme results and new projects. fresh publications and new staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 December
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and new staff. Labour migration and an interview with the new UN Resident Coordinator are in the focus of this edition.
EU - ILO comparative review
Facilities for trade union officials and members to exercise their rights – A comparative review
The report seeks to highlight the common denominator of the two main issues which will be analysed: the right to organize, id est the right to form and join organizations of workers or employers, and the facilities granted to workers’ representatives. The former is of a more fundamental nature (freedom of assembly, non-discrimination and non-interference), whereas the latter (facilities) is more technical. The countries which will be examined are the following: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 September
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region, highlighting the new rapid assessment reports in Serbia and Montenegro. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and staff.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 May
This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region with an updated service offer and selected resources. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and staff. In focus: Local Employment Partnerships in the Republic of Moldova.
Social dialogue and the Future of Work
Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2020 February
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, features new publications and new staff. In focus: the new ILO report on the Ukrainian pension system, and youth employment trends in the Western Balkans with ILO policy guidance.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 November
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, features new publications and new staff. News on ITUC Global Rights Index and a wage campaign to increase wages in the Balkans.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 July
This issue reports on ILO programme results in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces a new project, features a new publication, training offers and new staff. It also tells how the ILO celebrates its Centenary.
Skills for green jobs in Denmark: An update
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2019 April
This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, introduces new projects, and features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2018 November
This issue reports on ILO programme developments in the Central and Eastern European region, features new publications and interviews with ILO partners.
ILO Budapest Newsletter 2018 February
This issue reports on ILO programme developments and new projects in the Central and Eastern European region, and features interviews with ILO partners.
Social Protection for Children
Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.
ILO Technical Note
ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by DENMARK
Denmark pre-departure information for migrant health workers
Working in Denmark pre-departure information for Filipino and Indian migrant health workers bound for Denmark
This pre-departure booklet is part of a series of migration information materials developed for Indian and Filipino health workers under the ILO’s Decent Work Across Borders (DWAB) project. The project seeks to facilitate an approach to migration that benefits the migrant workers, the source and destination countries within a rights based framework for labour migration management.
Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe
This study explores various aspects of the inland navigation in the European region, addressing all the essential aspects in relation to the working and living conditions of the crews, including relevant laws and regulations, occupational safety and health, social security and enforcement, etc.
Responsible contracting: An approach aimed at improving social and labour practices in the property services sector
Research paper on the property services sector, and in particular on the provision of cleaning and security services, prepared as background for an ILO meeting on Private employment agencies in private services sectors, 18–19 October 2011.