All publications for country
Newsletter #4 - December 2023
Newsletter #3 - October 2023
Newsletter #2 - June 2023
Newsletter #1 - April 2023
Newsletter #4 - December 2022
Newsletter #3 - October 2022
Newsletter #2 - June 2022
Newsletter #1 -March 2022
Newsletter #4 - December 2021
Newsletter #3 - October 2021
Application of key labour law provisions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Russian Federation
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented countries with unprecedented challenges. While understandable given the unprecedented scale of the economic impact, one of the questions that can be asked in this respect is whether businesses that terminated workers and/or reduced their working hours, did so in compliance with the requirements of the labour laws of their respective countries. To shed some light on this question, the ILO commissioned research in five countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, namely Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. Researchers considered whether or not key provisions related to 1) the termination of employment; 2) the reduction of working hours; 3) annual leave; and 4) emergency provisions (i.e. state of emergency, force majeure, etc.) were applied in practiceю Based on the findings of the research, the report recommends that Government, in consultation with the social partners, ensure that legislative frameworks are emergency responsive and that a strategic compliance system is in place within which relevant institutions, such as courts and labour inspection services, can provide effective compliance guidance through the provision of advisory services and effective enforcement.
Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021
Newsletter #1 - March 2021
Newsletter #4 - December 2020
Gender and youth employment in CIS countries
ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia – Employment Country Reports Series
Newsletter #3 - October 2020
Newsletter #2 - July 2020
PowerPoint presentation "Responses to the crisis caused by COVID 19 in the area of social protection: country responses and policy considerations"
Special issue of ILO Moscow Newsletter: COVID-19 and the world of work in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Newsletter #1 - March 2020