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Executive Summary - A qualitative study on stigma and discrimination experienced by indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB at work
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Executive Summary - A qualitative study on stigma and discrimination experienced by indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB at work

Indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB face double discrimination. Being an LGBT indigenous person adds another layer to this. Barriers to accessing health services, denial of the right to work and discrimination in employment settings are highlighted in a new ILO study undertaken by the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, the secretariat of the International Indigenous HIV & AIDS Working Group. Read more…

Getting and staying together: 100 years of social dialogue and tripartism in Norway
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Getting and staying together: 100 years of social dialogue and tripartism in Norway

This report examines the role of tripartism and social dialogue in Norway. It addresses the emergence of tripartite cooperation and the institutions facilitating such cooperation, the outcomes of tripartism and how tripartite cooperation can help Norway face the challenges of the changing world of work.

Engaging employers in apprenticeship opportunities
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Engaging employers in apprenticeship opportunities

This joint OECD-ILO report examines best practices in employer engagement in apprenticeship programmes at the local level across nine countries.

Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples - Experiences from Norway
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Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples - Experiences from Norway

The ILO is seeking to document experiences regarding consultation with and participation of indigenous and tribal peoples for consideration by interested governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as organizations of indigenous peoples. The present study looks at Norway, which was the first country to ratify Convention No. 169 in 1990.

Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
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Social Protection for Children

Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review

The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.

ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by NORWAY
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ILO Technical Note

ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by NORWAY

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers
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ILO Research paper No. 13

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers

This paper assesses the reference to CSR commitments in trade and investment agreements and finds that CSR language is relatively weak in terms of obligation, precision and delegation. Emphasising the potential to use the mechanisms that are provided in these agreements to activate and follow-up CSR commitments, it looks at what the implications could be for states, business and workers, and the potential ILO involvement.

Working in Norway pre-departure information for Filipino and Indian migrant health workers bound for Norway
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Norway pre-departure information for migrant health workers

Working in Norway pre-departure information for Filipino and Indian migrant health workers bound for Norway

The migration information materials seek to address information needs of migrant health workers at all the stages of migration -- from pre-decision to return and reintegration.

Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe
Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe - Cover

Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe

This study explores various aspects of the inland navigation in the European region, addressing all the essential aspects in relation to the working and living conditions of the crews, including relevant laws and regulations, occupational safety and health, social security and enforcement, etc.

Socially responsible investment, decent work and pension funds. Concepts and international experiences
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ESS Paper Series (SECSOC) - ESS 36

Socially responsible investment, decent work and pension funds. Concepts and international experiences

This paper aims at reviewing concepts and internationale experiences of Social responsible investment practices, especially among pension funds.

Desk review of research on HIV/AIDS in the world of work
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Desk review of research on HIV/AIDS in the world of work

This desk review was conducted by ILO/AIDS as part of the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV workplace policies/programmes and private sector engagement (IATT/WPPS). It is based primarily on the research documents shared by the IATT members, covering vulnerability studies, stigma and discrimination studies, impact and cost-benefit studies.

Corporate brochure on ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
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Corporate brochure on ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work

Prevent HIV, Protect Human Rights at Work

Nordic countries and multinational enterprises: Employment effects and foreign direct investment
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Nordic countries and multinational enterprises: Employment effects and foreign direct investment

Multinational Enterprises Programme Working Paper No. 57