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Newsletter #4 - December 2023
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Newsletter #4 - December 2023

Newsletter #3 - October 2023
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Newsletter #3 - October 2023

Newsletter #2 - June 2023
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Newsletter #2 - June 2023

Newsletter #1 - April 2023
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Newsletter #1 - April 2023

Newsletter #4 - December 2022
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Newsletter #4 - December 2022

Newsletter #3 - October 2022
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Newsletter #3 - October 2022

Newsletter #2 - June 2022
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Newsletter #2 - June 2022

Newsletter #1 -March 2022
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Newsletter #1 -March 2022

Newsletter #4 - December 2021
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Newsletter #4 - December 2021

Newsletter #3 - October 2021
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Newsletter #3 - October 2021

Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021
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Newsletter #2 - Juny 2021

Towards integrated strategy for the transition to formality: road maps for Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
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Towards integrated strategy for the transition to formality: road maps for Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

The South-South triangular cooperation initiative in Eastern Europe and Central Asia aims to facilitate knowledge-exchange and mutual learning to promote the development of coherent and integrated strategies to facilitate the transition to formality in four countries with the among the higher informality rates in the region: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. The initiative launched by the ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in partnership with the ILO South-South Cooperation Unit based in Geneva, include knowledge-sharing workshops; comparative analysis of policy measures and institutional arrangements to increase formalization and assessment of their effectiveness; and country-to-country peer learning and exchange of expertise and good practices applied by constituents. The present report identify the current progress in the four selected countries according to the responses provided to a questionnaire survey sent in the second semester of 2020, which enabled a self-assessment on critical policy measures, ranging from detection of informality and sanctions to incentives to formalization.

Newsletter #1 - March 2021
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Newsletter #1 - March 2021

Newsletter #4 - December 2020
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Newsletter #4 - December 2020

Gender and youth employment in CIS countries
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Gender and youth employment in CIS countries

ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia – Employment Country Reports Series

Newsletter #3 - October 2020
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Newsletter #3 - October 2020

Newsletter #2 - July 2020
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Newsletter #2 - July 2020

Attaining SDG 8 in Azerbaijan: The challenges of economic transformation and job creation
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ILO/Sida Partnership on Employment Working Paper No. 6

Attaining SDG 8 in Azerbaijan: The challenges of economic transformation and job creation

PowerPoint presentation "Responses to the crisis caused by COVID 19 in the area of social protection: country responses and policy considerations"
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PowerPoint presentation "Responses to the crisis caused by COVID 19 in the area of social protection: country responses and policy considerations"

Special issue of ILO Moscow Newsletter: COVID-19 and the world of work in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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Special issue of ILO Moscow Newsletter: COVID-19 and the world of work in Eastern Europe and Central Asia