All publications for country
ILO Working paper 83
Labour protests during the pandemic - The case of hospital and retail workers in 90 countries - mobi
With a novel methodology searching news events from world’s largest news agencies via the online GDELT project, this report documents protest of key workers against their working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in 90 countries.
ILO Working paper 83
Labour protests during the pandemic - The case of hospital and retail workers in 90 countries - epub
With a novel methodology searching news events from world’s largest news agencies via the online GDELT project, this report documents protest of key workers against their working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in 90 countries.
ILO Working paper 83
Labour protests during the pandemic : The case of hospital and retail workers in 90 countries
With a novel methodology searching news events from world’s largest news agencies via the online GDELT project, this report documents protest of key workers against their working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in 90 countries.
Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience
This report outlines the role social dialogue played in designing response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through six country case studies, it shows the value of social dialogue in times of crisis, and the pitfalls when dialogue did not take place.
Social and solidarity economy: Social innovation catalyst in Africa?
The report illustrates and characterizes the social innovation processes carried out by Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations (SSEOs) in five African countries (South Africa, Cameroon, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia). By analysing practical cases of social innovation, it explores the extent to which SSEOs contribute to generating social innovation in Africa for a more sustainable and inclusive local development, as well as the creation and promotion of decent work for all. The report highlights internal and external factors impacting SSEOs in their social innovation process and it presents a set of policy recommendations to unlock the potential of SSEOs as catalyser of social innovation in African.
Collective bargaining outcomes on gender equality in France
Social Protection Spotlight
Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector
Workers in the cultural and creative sector often lack effective access to social protection.
ILO working paper 28
Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations
ILO working paper 28
Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Country Practices and Innovations
ILO working paper 28
Social Protection in the Cultural and Creative Sector - Country Practices and Innovations
EU - ILO comparative review
Individual and collective dispute resolution systems - A comparative review
The present report investigates specific individual and collective labour dispute resolution practices and institutions in a selected sample of countries: Australia, Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The countries were selected to reflect broadly different legal and industrial relations systems with diverse forms and traditions of dispute resolution.
EU - ILO comparative review
Facilities for trade union officials and members to exercise their rights – A comparative review
The report seeks to highlight the common denominator of the two main issues which will be analysed: the right to organize, id est the right to form and join organizations of workers or employers, and the facilities granted to workers’ representatives. The former is of a more fundamental nature (freedom of assembly, non-discrimination and non-interference), whereas the latter (facilities) is more technical. The countries which will be examined are the following: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
Handbook for the integration of Indians in France
A guide developed by the ILO for Indian migrants living in France containing useful information on rights and resources. Available in English, Hindi and Punjabi.
Social dialogue and the Future of Work
Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue’s roles and capacity in the new world of work
Skills for green jobs in France: An update
Research Department Working Paper n°43
Global supply chains and intangible assets in the automotive and aeronautical industries
The impact of global supply chains on employment and production system : A summary.
This research allows us to question the current theoretical approaches in terms of global supply chains, the business issues specific to both sectors (automobile and aeronautics) and to assess their impacts on employment at the regional and national levels
Labour market impact of National Qualification Frameworks in six countries
Labour Migration From China to Europe: Scope and Potential
The research presented in this report was conducted under the “EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project”, funded by the EU and jointly carried out by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
P&B Outcome 17 (Discrimination in employment and occupation is eliminated) - Final evaluation summary
Project Code: GLO/14/58/NOR; GLO/12/52/NOR - Evaluation consultant: Magali Bonne-Moreau