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EU support to inclusive labour markets in the Republic of Moldova
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EU support to inclusive labour markets in the Republic of Moldova

The project aims to improve access to more and better employment opportunities in Moldova by providing capacity development to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the National Employment Agency to prevent and address labour market exclusion. Also, it will enhance the performance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the State Labour Inspectorate to improve working conditions and protect workers' rights.

Inclusive and productive employment in the Republic of Moldova
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Inclusive and productive employment in the Republic of Moldova

The project includes a complementary package of interventions on creation of more and better jobs, improved employability of people through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and adult learning, and formalization of employment.

Childcare in Moldova: A systemic approach to improve provision
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Childcare in Moldova: A systemic approach to improve provision

The project aims to improve the public and private provision of childcare by pilot-testing innovative and affordable alternative childcare services that can be replicable and scalable in the country.

Updating minimum wage setting in the Republic of Moldova
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Updating minimum wage setting in the Republic of Moldova

The ILO will upgrade the existing mechanism of the minimum wage setting in order to build resilient mechanisms to enhance population living standards in the country.

Stimulating the green economy in Moldova to create new and better jobs
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Stimulating the green economy in Moldova to create new and better jobs

The aim of the ILO intervention is to stimulate the creation of new jobs through entrepreneurship in a high-value-added sector, which will be identified as the first activity in the project. The goal is to contribute to the structural transformation of the country's economy and to promote the green economy.

Job creation for women and youth through Local Employment Partnerships in Moldova
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Job creation for women and youth through Local Employment Partnerships in Moldova

This new project equips labour market institutions and social partners with knowledge and tools for the implementation of a new, gender-sensitive national employment policy. In addition, through the Local Employment Partnerships, it will create 1,000 jobs, mostly for women.

Developing agroindustries in the Republic of Moldova: analysis of the honey and berry value chains
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Developing agroindustries in the Republic of Moldova: analysis of the honey and berry value chains

The ILO is conducting two Market Systems Analyses (MSA) with actionable results aiming to stimulate sustainable development in agroindustries in Moldova.

Employment promotion through entrepreneurship, training and grants in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Moldova
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Employment promotion through entrepreneurship, training and grants in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Moldova

The ILO project contributes to the well-being of two rural communities through support given to the National Employment Agency, employment subsidies, entrepreneurship, and technical trainings and grants to support individuals in need.

Protecting workers and ensuring decent and safe working conditions during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery in Moldova
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Protecting workers and ensuring decent and safe working conditions during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery in Moldova

The objective of the intervention is to support the national efforts to ensure safe and healthy workplaces in the context of the current global pandemic crisis and beyond. The ILO will train the State Labour Inspectorate to conduct integrated workplace inspections.

Effective COVID-19 response in Moldova: Social dialogue for local job creation through Local Employment Partnerships
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Effective COVID-19 response in Moldova: Social dialogue for local job creation through Local Employment Partnerships

The new ILO project offers concrete contribution to COVID-19 response and will assist the tripartite constituents in adopting an inclusive, gender-responsive recovery strategy and in generating quality jobs for vulnerable workers.

Young people learn about rights at work in Moldova
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Young people learn about rights at work in Moldova

The idea of the project is to use gamification of the Rights@Work instruction materials in schools and other contexts to raise young people's awareness of their rights at work. Areas to be covered include important guidance on how to avoid the traps of informal economy, understand their rights and obligations at work, know where they can obtain support and increase their participation in the governance of the labour market.

Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
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Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans

The overall objective of the project is to make national and local labour markets more inclusive. The project seeks to ensure that labour market institutions at the national and local levels have improved capacities to design and implement, in partnership with the private sector and the civil society, inclusive policies and programmes for individuals at risk of social and labour market exclusion.

Enhancing jobs and schooling decision of Moldovan youth
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Enhancing jobs and schooling decision of Moldovan youth

The project offers opportunities to fill some of the information gaps that young Moldovans face in making schooling and jobs decisions by introducing an adapted and innovated version of the ‘Surfing the labour market’ tool which is an online platform and a phone application. A partnership of relevant and concerned institutions (including the employment offices, career centres, schools, employers) is responsible for the adaptation of this package in a move to improve its effectiveness and also ensure follow up to this intervention. The project is realized with the support of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Technical support on employment policies for youth, women and migrants in Moldova
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Technical support on employment policies for youth, women and migrants in Moldova

The project aims to improve employment policies with particular attention to women and young people. The focus of the intervention will be on the implementation of the National Employment Policy, the design and implementation of the Territorial/Local Employment Pacts and the implementation of the recommendations coming from the functional audit of the Public Employment Service.

Improved wage and income policies, and mechanisms for consultation and collective bargaining in Moldova
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Improved wage and income policies, and mechanisms for consultation and collective bargaining in Moldova

Activities under the ILO project will contribute to enhancing the capacity of social partners on minimum wages and wage setting in general, including through improved collective bargaining, through information dissemination and technical advisory services on gender wage gaps and work-family reconciliation, and the sharing of international practice on the remuneration of persons with disabilities.

Promoting Decent Work for Roma Youth in Moldova
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Promoting Decent Work for Roma Youth in Moldova

The project aims at adapting and testing in Moldova an ILO toolkit on Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Roma Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, which has been developed and validated through a grant of the Government of Israel. The toolkit aims at organizing and customizing relevant policies, tools and experiences of ILO and other relevant actors in the field in order to address the challenges of Roma youth labour market inclusion.

Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Moldova 2012 - 2015
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Decent Work Country Programme

Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Moldova 2012 - 2015

The primary goal of the ILO is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. DWCPs promote decent work as a key component of development policies and at the same time as a national policy objective of governments and social partners.

Improving safety and health at work through a Decent Work Agenda
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Improving safety and health at work through a Decent Work Agenda

The project was developed by the ILO and the European Commission to better address safety and health at work as a vital component of decent work. It will be implemented over two and a half years between 2010 and 2012 in five pilot countries. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to a more inclusive and productive society through a reduction in occupational accidents and work-related diseases.

Republica of Moldova, Building capacity for coordination of social security for migrant workers
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Republica of Moldova, Building capacity for coordination of social security for migrant workers

The project aimed at improving the social security benefits for Moldovan migrant workers by enhancing the capacity of the Moldovan government in negotiating, adopting, and implementing bilateral social security agreements with major destination countries of Moldovan migrant workers. The project contributes to improve the impact of migration on development and on poverty reduction by ensuring the right of social security for the Moldovan migrant workers and their families.

Elimination of human trafficking from Moldova and Ukraine through labour market based measures
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Elimination of human trafficking from Moldova and Ukraine through labour market based measures

The project offers a long-term perspective against trafficking in human beings in Moldova and Ukraine by addressing gaps in the current implementation of National Action Plans against Human Trafficking.