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Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers: Exploratory Research and Policy Dialogue in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries
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Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers: Exploratory Research and Policy Dialogue in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

Advancing the agenda of extending social protection to migrants in GCC countries by increasing knowledge of existing coverage gaps, facilitating dialogue between stakeholders in countries of origin and destination, and providing technical assistance to ongoing policy reforms.

Work in Freedom, Phase II - Fair recruitment and decent work for women migrant workers in South Asia and the Middle East
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Work in Freedom, Phase II - Fair recruitment and decent work for women migrant workers in South Asia and the Middle East

The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from countries of origin (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon and Jordan) through fair recruitment processes.

National employment policy review and formulation
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National employment policy review and formulation

Strengthening Workers’ Organizations in the Arab Countries through social, economic and legal literacy
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Strengthening Workers’ Organizations in the Arab Countries through social, economic and legal literacy

The project develops the capacity of workers’ organizations in the Arab region to participate effectively in policy debates, influence public decisions, and defend workers’ rights and interests.

Enhancing Labour Inspection Effectiveness in the Arab States
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Enhancing Labour Inspection Effectiveness in the Arab States

This project contributes to the long-term socio-economic development of participating countries by strengthening social dialogue and improving compliance with labour legislation, while promoting social justice and decent work, which will ultimately enhance productivity and employment.

Implementing and enforcing internationally recognized labour rights in Oman and Bahrain
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Implementing and enforcing internationally recognized labour rights in Oman and Bahrain

Implementing and enforcing internationally recognized labour rights in Oman and Bahrain
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Implementing and enforcing internationally recognized labour rights in Oman and Bahrain

This project contributes to the development of a functioning labour inspection system and tripartite structures with independent labour and employer structures that reflect the core labour standards embodied in the 1998 declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.