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Supporting Progress on Labor Standards in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Child labour and forced labour
Multi Partner Fund
The pooled funding mechanism of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab to step up the fight against child labour and forced labour.
PAEJK - Programme d’activités pour l’emploi des Jeunes dans la province du Katanga
Child labour: GAP 11
Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
Project for the support of employment promotion and poverty reduction (APERP II)
A technical cooperation project financed by the French Government for countries of French-speaking Africa and the Union for the Mediterranean
Promoting livelihoods of refugees and host communities through market assessments and value chain analyses
Supporting the improvement of household incomes in Bukanga Lonzo, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
The project aims to improve incomes of local smallholder farmers around the ABP in Bukanga Lonzo, DRC, through the creation of cooperative enterprises and local economic development.