All projects in country
Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Project Phase II
The BRMM Phase II programme, a three-year prolongation of the BRMM Phase I programme funded by the UK-FCDO is focusing on strengthening the capacities of countries in East and Horn of Africa to govern labour migration by using evidence-based policies, enhancing migrant workers' qualifications and skills, and actively engaging the social partners.
Initiative on advancing the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
The project aims to ensure statistics on cooperatives are reliable, coherent, and internationally comparable, in order to quantify economic and social impact of cooperatives. It is a step towards implementing the international Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives. It includes country case studies on Costa Rica, Italy, Republic of Korea, Türkiye, and Tanzania.
Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base
The project aims to contribute towards creating an enabling legal and policy framework that could enhance the visibility and raise awareness about the contribution of SSE towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development and decent work.
SKILL-UP Tanzania
Digitalization, the future of work and the teaching profession
Enhancing implementation of labour standards in an effort to promote decent work and productivity benefits for employers and workers in the United Republic of Tanzania
The project contributes to supporting good governance by promoting social dialogue.
Implementing and strengthening quality apprenticeship in Tanzania
Supporting the development and implementation of apprenticeship training programmes in Tanzania.
Child labour: in tobacco-growing
Development of evidence-based practical advice on hazardous child labour and strengthening social dialogue in selected countries to combat hazardous child labour in tobacco-growing
Child labour: ARISE II
ARISE II - Global Training Programme: Elimination of child labour in tobacco-growing communities
United Nations Joint Programme on Youth Employment, Tanzania
Developing an integrated strategy towards addressing the youth employment challenge in Tanzania
Achieving Reduction of Child Labour In Support of Education (ARISE)
Eliminating child labour especially through the support of education in tobacco-growing areas mainly Tabora region.
UN Joint Programme to support Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN)
The project supports both social insurance and assistance to the poorest households, and linking the youth from project beneficiary households to capitalize their potential.
Advancing Decent Work for Domestic Workers in the United Republic of Tanzania
Since the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention (No. 189), the ILO has received an increasing number of inquiries from constituents regarding how to effectively extend protection to domestic workers – experiences from other countries, workable policies, enforcing labour regulations, consequences to families etc.
Trade Sector Development Programme: Market Value Chains Relating to Horticultural Products for Responsible Tourism Market Access Project
Strengthening Capacity of Social Partners to Improve Training Quality in the Tourism Sector
Women Entrepreneurship Development and Economic Empowerment
The ILO Women’s Entrepreneurship Development and Economic Empowerment (WEDEE) Project works towards enhancing economic opportunities for women by supporting women who are starting, formalizing and growing their own enterprises and by mainstreaming gender equality into the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda on enterprise development. WEDEE is being implemented in East Africa in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, and has been instrumental in advancing economic development and access to opportunities for women by supporting the establishment and growth of more women-led businesses, enabling them not only to sustain their families, but also to contribute to job creation and economic growth.
Child labour
Global research on child labour measurement and policy development (MAP) Project
Sustainable investments in African agriculture
Technical Cooperation Project / ILO-Sweden Partnership Agreement
ILO-Sweden Partnership Agreement: Making decent work a reality for decent workers
The ILO-Sweden Partnership Agreement contributes to increase the capacity of governments, domestic workers organizations, trade unions and employers’ organizations to promote decent work for domestic workers in Zambia, Tanzania, Paraguay, the Philippines, and India. The project supports advocacy and awareness-raising, the development of national knowledge about the domestic work sector, social dialogue, the design of legal and policy reforms, C189 ratification processes, capacity-building of domestic workers’ organizations, and initiatives by trade unions and employers’ organizations to address issues concerning domestic workers.
Enhancing implementation of labour standards in an effort to promote decent work and productivity benefits for employers and workers in the United Republic of Tanzania
The project contribute to supporting good governance by promoting social dialogue.
Implementing and strengthening quality apprenticeship in Tanzania
The project supports the development and implementation of apprenticeship training programmes in Tanzania. It was extended from May 2016 to December 2017.