All projects in country
Employment-Intensive Investment
Rehabilitation / Construction of Primary Schools in Response to Cyclones in Madagascar
Socio-economic recovery from cyclones Ana and Batsiraï in the Analamanga and Fitovinany regions of Madagascar
Strengthening the socio-economic resilience of local communities affected by cyclones and improving governance for risk management and recovery.
Decent work in global supply chains
Sustainable supply chains to build forward better – Textiles and clothing manufacturing in Madagascar
Decent work in global supply chains
Sustainable supply chains to build forward better
Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery
Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa
Improving Occupational Safety And Health In The Garment And Construction Supply Chains In Madagascar – A Vision Zero Fund Project – Phase II
Improving Occupational Safety And Health In The Garment And Construction Supply Chains In Madagascar – A Vision Zero Fund Project – Phase II
Implementation Phase
New project on Forced labour
Evidence to Action (EvA): Increasing the impact of research to mobilise efforts against forced labour
The EvA Project aims to produce and disseminate actionable knowledge, as well as to mobilize stakeholders to foster the use of research and evidence in policy and programmatic decision-making to eliminate forced labour around the world.
Forced labour
Evidence to Action (EvA): Increasing the impact of research to mobilise efforts against forced labour
The EvA Project aims to produce and disseminate actionable knowledge, as well as to mobilize stakeholders to foster the use of research and evidence in policy and programmatic decision-making to eliminate forced labour around the world.
Employment-Intensive Investment
Training in the Employment Intensive Investment Approach of Small and Medium Enterprises and Design Offices - Realization of training sites in Madagascar
Trade for Decent Work Project
The project aims at improving the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labour relations and working conditions.
Improving safety and health in Madagascar lychee and textile supply chains - A Vision Zero Fund project
Vision Zero Fund
The G7-initiated Vision Zero Fund initiative (VZF) aims to prevent work-related deaths, injuries and diseases in global supply chains.
OSH in Global Supply Chains
ILO-EU project to improve the knowledge base on safety and health in global supply chains to support G20 work on safer workplaces
Employment-Intensive Investment
Construction of school buildings following the labour-intensive approach, within the framework of the joint UNICEF/WFP/ILO program in Madagascar
Employment-Intensive Investment
Construction d’écoles primaires à Madagascar, basée sur l’utilisation de ressources locales
Child labour
Lutte pour la protection des droits des enfants contre la violence et les pires formes de travail des enfants, victimes de l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants à des fins commerciales dans les régions de Diana et Atsimo Andrefana (Madagascar) Project
Empowering Women and Girls in Vulnerable Situations through Decent Work in Madagascar
The project works toward the social reintegration of women who have suffered from obstetric fistulas through stable long-term incomes.
Employment-Intensive Investment
Construction d'écoles primaires à Madagascar-projet MEN/UNICEF-BIT (troisième phase)
Employment-Intensive Investment
Construction d'écoles primaires à Madagascar selon l'approche à Haute Intensité de Main d'Oeuvre