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Fundamental principles and rights at work throughout the reforms process in Ukraine
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Fundamental principles and rights at work throughout the reforms process in Ukraine

The ILO project aims to promote fundamental labour rights as an integral part of the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. It will contribute to creating an environment where businesses can be rebuilt and thrive, and workers find decent job opportunities with social protection and labour rights safeguarded.

Enabling the participation of women in the labour market by expanding childcare services
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Enabling the participation of women in the labour market by expanding childcare services

The ILO provides support to the development and pilot-testing of affordable childcare service models, the adoption of care legislation and policies, and the formalisation of the care sector.

Job creation for vulnerable groups in three sectors in Ukraine
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Job creation for vulnerable groups in three sectors in Ukraine

This action-oriented research project will lay the foundations of a larger programme which will generate job opportunities for people at risk of socio-economic exclusion in Ukraine. It will focus on three sectors which can generate employment for youth and women in vulnerable circumstances and at risk of labour market exclusion, including forcibly displaced persons of working age. The market systems analyses in the three sectors will identify the key systemic constraints to productive and decent employment, and a portfolio of concrete, systemic interventions per sector.

Women’s empowerment through entrepreneurship and better targeted services
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Women’s empowerment through entrepreneurship and better targeted services

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit women disproportionately harder than men. The ILO-UNDP joint initiative aims to stimulate an economic recovery for women in Ukraine, out of the crisis.

Training and grant support for potential entrepreneurs and start-ups in the Sea of Azov region, Ukraine
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Training and grant support for potential entrepreneurs and start-ups in the Sea of Azov region, Ukraine

This intervention will provide training for potential entrepreneurs using the Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) methodology and also provide grants. The project will complement the “Inclusive Labour Markets for Job creation in Ukraine” project, implemented by the ILO. The additional funding provided by GIZ after the Russian aggression in Ukraine will promote entrepreneurship in the country.

E-TVET in Ukraine: Training continuity and modernization during COVID-19 and beyond
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E-TVET in Ukraine: Training continuity and modernization during COVID-19 and beyond

To support the Ministry of Education in rolling out digital TVET, this action will assist Ukraine in piloting e-Learning in TVET in four different occupations.

Creating a client-friendly working environment in the State Migration Service in Ukraine
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Creating a client-friendly working environment in the State Migration Service in Ukraine

The project aims to foster a non-discriminatory governmental refugee status determination procedure and government services to stateless persons based on their HIV/TB/LGBTQI status.

Improving compliance with key International Labour Standards in Ukraine
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Improving compliance with key International Labour Standards in Ukraine

The project assists the government, the social partners and the judiciary to respect and apply the fundamental principles and rights at work when developing and implementing new labour legislation.

Entrepreneurship training for youth in Ukraine
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Entrepreneurship training for youth in Ukraine

The ILO project aims to create a more enabling environment for job creation for youth in Ukraine through providing entrepreneurship trainings.

Entrepreneurship Training for Youth in Ukraine
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Entrepreneurship Training for Youth in Ukraine

This intervention aims to create more and better jobs targeting youth with low educational attainment and/or limited work experience. Youth will receive training in entrepreneurship to equip them with skills and up-to-date knowledge to start their own businesses. The project will strengthen the role of the Public Employment Service (PES) of Ukraine and TVET schools as main facilitators of the administrators of the training.

Towards safe, healthy and declared work in Ukraine
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Towards safe, healthy and declared work in Ukraine

Improved national normative framework to protect wages in Ukraine
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Improved national normative framework to protect wages in Ukraine

The overall objective of the project is to protect wages by improving the national normative framework through social dialogue. It is expected that by the end of the intervention, tripartite constituents would have agreed on the measures to address the issues of wages (wage arrears, minimum wage and equal pay) and started their implementation.

Inclusive labour markets for job creation in Ukraine
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Inclusive labour markets for job creation in Ukraine

In view of the complex labour market situation the new ILO program funded by Denmark goes for an integrated approach based on three pillars. The program will modernize the services of the Ukrainian public employment services enabling them to offer more effective and inclusive active labour market policies. A strong skills component aims at closing the skills mismatch by better alligning the skills of new labour market entrants with the demand from the private sector. Finally, the program will support social dialogue mechanisms to solve critical issues such as informal employment, wages, or gender discrimination.

Enhancing the Labour Administration Capacity to Improve Working Conditions and Tackle Undeclared Work
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Enhancing the Labour Administration Capacity to Improve Working Conditions and Tackle Undeclared Work

Enhancing the Labour Administration Capacity to Improve Working Conditions and Tackle Undeclared Work
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Enhancing the Labour Administration Capacity to Improve Working Conditions and Tackle Undeclared Work

The Project contributes to the implementation of the European Union (EU) - Ukraine Association Agreement (in force since the 1 September, 2017) and its relevant annexes as well as of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions No. 81 and 129 on labour inspection, ratified by Ukraine in 2004

Enhancing the labour administration capacity to improve working conditions and tackle undeclared work
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Enhancing the labour administration capacity to improve working conditions and tackle undeclared work

Enhancing labour administration capacity to improve working conditions and tackle undeclared work
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Enhancing labour administration capacity to improve working conditions and tackle undeclared work

The project will enable the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, and in particular the State Labour Service, to contribute to safer and healthier working conditions for workers in Ukraine and to tackle undeclared work.

ILO project to improve safety and health in the mining industry of Ukraine
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Decent Work Country Programme

ILO project to improve safety and health in the mining industry of Ukraine

The overall objective of the project is to reduce work accidents and occupational diseases in the mining industry of Ukraine through a systematic development of modern occupational safety and health (OSH) policies supported by enhanced capacity of social partners. The project will assist the constituents at policy level, strengthen the capacity of social partners to implement practical OSH management measures at the workplace level, and promote occupational safety and preventative culture.

ILO project to improve safety and health in the mining industry of Ukraine
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ILO project to improve safety and health in the mining industry of Ukraine

The overall objective of the project is to reduce work accidents and occupational diseases in the mining industry of Ukraine through a systematic development of modern occupational safety and health (OSH) policies supported by enhanced capacity of social partners. The project will assist the constituents at policy level, strengthen the capacity of social partners to implement practical OSH management measures at the workplace level, and promote occupational safety and preventative culture.

Addressing HIV stigma and discrimination to protect women and men workers from unacceptable forms of work in Ukraine
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Addressing HIV stigma and discrimination to protect women and men workers from unacceptable forms of work in Ukraine

The project seeks to address the increasing HIV epidemic in Ukraine by reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination at work.