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Sparking Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation (SPARK)
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Sparking Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation (SPARK)

ILO is implementing multi-country project on disability inclusion in rural livelihood. SPARK project is integrated in IFAD-funded Nav Tejaswini Yojana, Government of Maharashtra.

Trade for Decent Work Project
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ILO Conventions application

Trade for Decent Work Project

With funding from the European Union and the Government of Finland, in Mozambique, the project seeks to support improvement of the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labor relations and working conditions. It is part of the global project “Trade for Decent Work”, that, besides Mozambique, is also being implemented in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Cabo Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Ghana and Madagascar.

Trade for Decent Work Project
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Trade for Decent Work Project

The project aims at improving the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labour relations and working conditions.

More and better jobs in Cabo Delgado and Nampula Provinces
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More and better jobs in Cabo Delgado and Nampula Provinces

Harnessing the opportunities of Mozambique’s New Economy

Skills for Employment and Productivity in Low-Income Countries
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Skills for Employment and Productivity in Low-Income Countries

The project main objective is to improve the access of persons from local communities to training and to opportunities to turn that training into productive livelihoods

Skills for Employment and Productivity in Low-Income Countries
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Skills for Employment and Productivity in Low-Income Countries

The project main objective is to improve the access of persons from local communities to training and to opportunities to turn that training into productive livelihoods

Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa
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Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa

This project will assist in bringing ILO expertise to strengthening basic social protection systems in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. The project will provide technical support to constituents through assistance to on-going processes of national dialogue, in harmony with coordinated efforts by UN and bilateral cooperating partners.

Promotion of Decent Work in Southern African Ports (phase ii)
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Promotion of Decent Work in Southern African Ports (phase ii)

Promotion of Decent Work in Southern African Ports (phase ii)

Support to employment in Mozambique
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Support to employment in Mozambique

Forging a policy dialogue and a coordinated approach on employment Strengthen national partners’ capacities and equip them with a common understanding of employment challenges.

Support to Small and Medium Enterprises through training and microcredit
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Support to Small and Medium Enterprises through training and microcredit

Sustainable investments in African agriculture
Agricultural landscape in Madagascar.

Sustainable investments in African agriculture

Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)
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Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)

This project aims to tackle sex-based discrimination and promote workplaces where women and men enjoy equal rights and respect, as well as equal opportunities and treatment.

National employment policy review and formulation
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National employment policy review and formulation

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Lusophone Countries in Africa (PALOP) Project
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Child labour: PALOP Project

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Lusophone Countries in Africa (PALOP) Project

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
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Child labour: GAP 11

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project

Corridor Economic Empowerment Project (CEEP)
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Corridor Economic Empowerment Project (CEEP)

Since March 2011, the Corridor Economic Empowerment Project (CEEP) has worked within Mozambique, focusing on Eight hotspots based within Maputo Province.

Economic Empowerment & HIV vulnerabilities reduction along transport corridors
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Economic Empowerment & HIV vulnerabilities reduction along transport corridors

This Project is a way to increase economic opportunities and therefore economic resilience of the most vulnerable populations and workers with high risk of exposure to HIV infections.

Eliminating child labour in Lusophone countries Project
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Lusophone Project

Eliminating child labour in Lusophone countries Project

Decent work Country Programme Support Project - Improving Social Dialogue - Mozambique
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Decent work Country Programme Support Project - Improving Social Dialogue - Mozambique

In line with Mozambique’s emerging Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) priority areas, the project will focus on improving social dialogue in the country.

Improving job quality in Africa (WISE programme)
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Improving job quality in Africa (WISE programme)

This project began in June 2008 and will be completed in February 2010. Funded by DANIDA, the project has worked together with governments, employers and unions in Mozambique and Tanzania to improve the working conditions of men’s and women’s work in the formal and informal economy. Key project activities have included the adaptation and application of a survey tool on working conditions and the completion of national policy and legal reviews, leading to the publication of national profiles on working conditions for both project countries. In addition, the project has developed and piloted extension modules and guides for the WISE training programme, now published as a WISE+ package.