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EU Support to improved quality of VET education (EU4Employment and Education)
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EU Support to improved quality of VET education (EU4Employment and Education)

This project aims at improving the quality and pertinence of Vocational Education and Training (VET) through the development of Occupational and Qualification Standards, and equipping VET teachers with the skills to create their own digital training contents to develop the entrepreneurial competences of VET students.

EU4Employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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EU4Employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The aim of the project is to improve the socio-economic situation and living conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To tackle the labour market challenges that disproportionally affect women, youth, the long-term unemployed, persons with disability, and Roma, the project will provide a grant scheme a high-quality technical assistance.

E-MINDFUL: Enhancing European Migration Narrative to Develop Further Union’s Long-term actions
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E-MINDFUL: Enhancing European Migration Narrative to Develop Further Union’s Long-term actions

The overall objective of the project is to promote a social and economic environment where everyone, migrants and nationals, can feel welcome and belonging, and to encourage effective migration policy making, particularly in the field of economic migration.

COVID-19 response: EU4Business recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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COVID-19 response: EU4Business recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The overall objective of the project is to provide emergency support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure their business continuity, retain more than 1000 jobs, and create at least 100 new jobs.

Local Employment Partnerships 2
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Local Employment Partnerships 2

The project in its second phase will continue supporting employment creation through partnership-based mechanisms on local level.

Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond
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Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond

Skills for the strategic development of the IT sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Skills for the strategic development of the IT sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The project implemented by the ILO “Transformative recovery for building back better: Skills for the strategic development of the IT sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, seeks to analyze skills deficits in the IT Sector in the country and to identify strategic interventions to address those deficits.

Business Unusual: Reimagining Education for Marginalized Girls and Boys during and post COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Business Unusual: Reimagining Education for Marginalized Girls and Boys during and post COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The project seeks to strengthen the capacities of education authorities, teachers and trainers in three pilot administrative units: Republika Srpska, Una-Sana Canton and West-Herzegovina Canton. The aim is to provide quality and inclusive e-learning and blended learning during and beyond the pandemic, and to address disadvantaged girls and boys and gender-issues.

Towards the Sustainable Development Goals Financing Ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Towards the Sustainable Development Goals Financing Ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The joint intervention of five UN agencies aims to develop finance reviews, foster social dialogue and support the governments at national and sub-national levels to help them achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Employment and Social Affairs Platform
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Western Balkans

Employment and Social Affairs Platform

Phase 2 of this regional project funded by EU will continue working on peaceful settlement of labour disputes, improving labour inspections, and strenghtening economic and social councils as platforms for policy dialogue (see also In addition, the project will start working on combating undeclared work.

Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
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Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans

The overall objective of the project is to make national and local labour markets more inclusive. The project seeks to ensure that labour market institutions at the national and local levels have improved capacities to design and implement, in partnership with the private sector and the civil society, inclusive policies and programmes for individuals at risk of social and labour market exclusion.

To strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina capacity for generating growth and employment through support to competitiveness and innovation
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To strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina capacity for generating growth and employment through support to competitiveness and innovation

The ILO, in partnership with UNDP and the German Development Agency (GIZ), implements an EU-funded project to give a financial boost to private companies, farmers and entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the project, companies can apply for development funds. Local institutions will receive technical assistance to create a supporting environment for the private sector. Small and start-up businesses, young enterpreneurs, rural women and vulnerable groups will benefit with an overall goal to make them competitive, encourage innovation and job creation.

Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
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Western Balkans

Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans

The sub-regional Project will assist the Western Balkan countries and territory to build more inclusive labour markets by promoting an integrated approach to employment and social policies.

Economic and Social Affairs Platform Project in the Western Balkans
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Western Balkans

Economic and Social Affairs Platform Project in the Western Balkans

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will jointly create a sub-regional Western Balkans Platform on Employment and Social Affairs in order to strengthen subregional cooperation in adopting and implementing effective labour market and social policy reforms.

Support to Local Employment Partnerships in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Support to Local Employment Partnerships in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project

As one component of the EU Programme for Local Development and Employment, this ILO implemented project seeks to foster sustainable and partnership-driven active labour market frameworks at the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina for an increased access to formal employment, particularly in flood-affected areas.

Decent Work Country Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012 - 2015
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Decent Work Country Programme

Decent Work Country Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012 - 2015

This Programme reflects the strategic planning of ILO cooperation activities with Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2012-2015, and has been prepared in conjunction with the ILO constituents with the aim of promoting decent work as a key component of development policies and at the same time as a national policy objective of both the government and the social partners.

Capacity Building, Information and Awareness Raising towards Promoting Orderly Migration in the Western Balkans
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Capacity Building, Information and Awareness Raising towards Promoting Orderly Migration in the Western Balkans

The project seeks to contribute to existing efforts towards promoting orderly migration within and from the Western Balkans