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Climate adaptation and insurance in the Pacific
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Climate adaptation and insurance in the Pacific

Empowerment of rural informal workers through advocacy, skills development and outreach
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Informal Economy

Empowerment of rural informal workers through advocacy, skills development and outreach

This project is funded by the ILO-Japan Social Safety Net (SSN) fund and managed by the ILO’s Bureau of Workers Activities (ACTRAV) and delivered through CO-Suva in collaboration with the Fiji Trades Union Congress (FTUC) and Papua New Guinea Trades Union Congress (PNGTUC).

Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security – Phase II
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Labour migration

Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security – Phase II

The Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) Phase II programme builds upon the outcomes of the Phase I programme, while drawing on its lessons learned and experiences.

Labour Mobility for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Pacific (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)
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Labour migration

Labour Mobility for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Pacific (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)

The project “Labour Mobility for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Pacific” is jointly implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods and resilience via economic diversification and digital transformation
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SDG acceleration

Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods and resilience via economic diversification and digital transformation

This joint project will support SDG acceleration by building community resilience and fostering economic diversification in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

Promoting Implementation of ILO Standards in Pacific Island Countries
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International labour standards

Promoting Implementation of ILO Standards in Pacific Island Countries

The project funded by the Australian Government - Attorney-General's Department 'Promoting Implementation of ILO Standards in Pacific Island Countries (PICs)’ objective is to build capacity, knowledge and consensus on how to implement International Labour Standards (ILS) in the region to address some of the key development and labour market challenges.

Labour Standards on Fishing Vessels
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International Labour Standards

Labour Standards on Fishing Vessels

This project, funded by the Government of New Zealand, will support Pacific Island Countries to address the issue of poor working conditions, labour rights violations and human trafficking on fishing vessels in the Pacific and contribute to making employment on fishing vessels in the region safe, decent and worthwhile.

Inclusive Economic Recovery through Sustainable Enterprises in the Informal Economies of Fiji, Palau, Tonga and Vanuatu
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COVID-19 and the world of work

Inclusive Economic Recovery through Sustainable Enterprises in the Informal Economies of Fiji, Palau, Tonga and Vanuatu

This ILO led UN joint project is a COVID-19 recovery project funded by UN Secretary General’s Multi Partner Trust Fund (MPTF). Targeting informal sector enterprises and workers in the creative industries and the agriculture sector, the project is implemented jointly by the International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Data as a strategic asset for the organizational development and capacity building of Employer and Business Membership Organizations
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Capacity Building of Employer and Business Membership Organizations

Data as a strategic asset for the organizational development and capacity building of Employer and Business Membership Organizations

Aligned to Outcome 1.1 of the Programme and Budget, the project aims to develop deeper insights into the opportunities for EBMO to position data as a strategic asset and while enhancing organizational capacities to take action.

Enhancing protection and empowerment of migrants and communities affected by climate change and disasters in the Pacific region (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)
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Labour migration

Enhancing protection and empowerment of migrants and communities affected by climate change and disasters in the Pacific region (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)

The project “Enhancing protection and empowerment of migrants and communities affected by climate change and disasters in the Pacific region” is also known as the Pacific Climate Change, Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) programme.

Increased capacities of employers’ and workers’ organizations to participate effectively in the development of social and labour policy (Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Vanuatu)
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Capacity Building

Increased capacities of employers’ and workers’ organizations to participate effectively in the development of social and labour policy (Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Vanuatu)

This project, “Building bipartite social dialogue and action to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) achievement, and especially the just transition to environmental sustainability through Decent Work”, responds to mitigating the impact that climate change induced disasters have on achieving Decent Work and SDGs.

MAP16 Project: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour
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MAP16 Project: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour

Tropical Cyclone Winston - ILO programmes and activities in Fiji
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Disaster preparedness and response

Tropical Cyclone Winston - ILO programmes and activities in Fiji

Highlighting ILO's working in Disaster preparedness and response in Fiji

Improving the Performance of Labour Markets in the Pacific
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Labour market

Improving the Performance of Labour Markets in the Pacific

The objective of the joint ADB/ILO collaboration under the Technical Assistance (TA) is to support labour market policies and programmes in participating Pacific Island countries (Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea) that are more evidence-based, collaboratively determined and gender focused.

TACKLE FIJI: Tackling Child Labour through Education in Fiji Phase 2
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TACKLE FIJI: Tackling Child Labour through Education in Fiji Phase 2

The purpose of TACKLE is to strengthen capacity of the national and local authorities in the formulation, implementation and enforcement of policies to fight child labour, in coordination with social partners and civil society.

Enhanced labour market outcomes in Fiji through a better job information service
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Enhanced labour market outcomes in Fiji through a better job information service

Through the ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific, this project seeks to supplement the ongoing ILO/ADB collaboration on employment diagnostics in Fiji by strengthening the job information service in Fiji through the development of an employment projections model.

Pacific Enable
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Pacific Enable

The “Pacific Enable” project is the product of a joint UN collaboration between ILO, UNICEF, WHO, UNESCAP, UNV, the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). The two-year initiative (2013-2014), with funding provided by the United Nations Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) and targets persons with disabilities in Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Cook Islands.

Pacific Island Work Places Combating HIV/AIDS
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Pacific Island Work Places Combating HIV/AIDS

The overall objective of this project is to develop policies and programmes to protect workers against HIV related discrimination, develop comprehensive prevention programmes at the enterprise level and ensure awareness and uptake of available services for HIV testing, treatment, care and support.

ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific (SSN Fund)
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Social safety nets

ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific (SSN Fund)

The SSN Fund aims to broaden the use of social safety nets through a wide range of projects to extend existing social security systems, promote occupational safety and health (OSH), develop human resources, strengthen labour inspection, eliminate forced labour and foster entrepreneurship. The Fund also responds to natural disasters by implementing crisis response activities in the affected areas to support disaster recovery.

Fiji: Green jobs in the waste management sector
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Fiji: Green jobs in the waste management sector

Capacity building and the promotion of occupational safety and health standards have led to the creation of green jobs in Fiji’s waste management sector.