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Strengthening Occupational safety and health management in Kosovo
The project aims to promote safety and health at work by advancing the legal framework and strengthening OSH management systems.
Western Balkans
Employment and Social Affairs Platform
Phase 2 of this regional project funded by EU will continue working on peaceful settlement of labour disputes, improving labour inspections, and strenghtening economic and social councils as platforms for policy dialogue (see also In addition, the project will start working on combating undeclared work.
MAP16 in Kosovo: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour
The project contributes to the promotion of decent work in Kosovo* by supporting the implementation of the Action Plan 2019-2021 of the Strategy on Child Rights 2019-2023 and priority interventions defined with the Work Plan of the Child Labour Committee for 2020.
Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement project to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour in Serbia
The project aims to build and apply the critical knowledge needed to inform policy choices to combat child labour and forced labour, and to support measures to address these challenges in key countries (including Serbia). In support of this effort, the project develops knowledge, advocacy, capacity-building and global action necessary to eradicate child labour and forced labour.
Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
The overall objective of the project is to make national and local labour markets more inclusive. The project seeks to ensure that labour market institutions at the national and local levels have improved capacities to design and implement, in partnership with the private sector and the civil society, inclusive policies and programmes for individuals at risk of social and labour market exclusion.
MAP16 Project: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour
Roma Youth Employment
Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Youth in Kosovo
The project will assist the public institutions and the social partners to implement the Strategy and Action Plan for Inclusion of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo society. The aim is to increase their capacity and the capacity of RAE communities themselves to implement effective gender-sensitive strategies to promote decent work for RAE youth.
Western Balkans
Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
The sub-regional Project will assist the Western Balkan countries and territory to build more inclusive labour markets by promoting an integrated approach to employment and social policies.
Western Balkans
Economic and Social Affairs Platform Project in the Western Balkans
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will jointly create a sub-regional Western Balkans Platform on Employment and Social Affairs in order to strengthen subregional cooperation in adopting and implementing effective labour market and social policy reforms.