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Asia Regional Child Labour Programme - Afghanistan
The Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC) aims to reduce vulnerability to child labour and enhance protection of children from exploitation in Afghanistan to contribute to the eradication of child labour, particularly its worst forms.
Labour migration
Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)
GOALS project is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly and regular for all women and men from Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.
International Labour Standard for Decent Work Project (DWCP Outcome 3.3)
International labour standards (Conventions and Recommendations and other instruments) as a means of achieving social justice for all people in Afghanistan, and maintaining peace, through decent and productive work and life-sustaining incomes.
Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC)
The Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC) aims to reduce vulnerability to child labour and enhance protection of children from exploitation in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan to contribute to the eradication of child labour, particularly its worst forms.
Local economic development
Road to Jobs (R2J) Afghanistan
An example of market system development implementation
Strengthening Labour Law Governance in Afghanistan
Through this Project, the ILO will provide technical expertise to strengthen the capacity of the country to ratify and to work collaboratively with social partners in applying international labour standards and fulfilling reporting obligations.
Skills development
Strengthening Skills Assessment and Certification for Afghanistan (SACA)
The SACA project aims to build a standardised and unified Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system. This will form part of a group of internationally benchmarked National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) and curricula, as well as standards relating to assessment, and certification and the accreditation of TVET institutes.
Job Creation - Agricultural Value Chains
Studies on Afghan Competitiveness for Job Creation - Agricultural Value Chains
The project aims to help the Afghan Government identify competitive agricultural sectors for priority development.
National Employment Dialogue
In light of the growing employment challenge in Afghanistan the UNDP contracted ILO’s technical expertise to launch a National Employment dialogue with all national stakeholders. The efforts of the past ten years had not yet begun to address the growing needs and the transition, and therefore reduced international funding, was foreseen to potential exacerbate an already difficult situation. Out of the working population of over 12 million and a labour force participation of just over 8 million (NRVA 2007/2008), 7.1 per cent were unemployed whilst 48,2 per cent were underemployed and 77 per cent were in vulnerable employment. With 49 per cent of the young population being under the age of 15, Afghanistan sees nearly half a million individuals wishing to enter the labour market every year.
Good Practice
Strengthening labour administration in Afghanistan - Final evaluation