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Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN
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Employment promotion and South-South cooperation

Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN

The Project seeks to enhance collaboration between China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to promote South-South cooperation among ASEAN Member States in the areas of employment, public employment services, and entrepreneurship development.

Setting adequate wages
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Technical Cooperation Project

Setting adequate wages

Building Social Protection Floors for All: Support to the Extension of Social Health Protection in Asia
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Social protection

Building Social Protection Floors for All: Support to the Extension of Social Health Protection in Asia

The Project has for overall goal to help more women and men in Asia access adequate social health protection, under the overall umbrella of national strategies toward UHC and the global development agenda including ILO's Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors.

Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations
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Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations

This programme is implemented in the context of an increasing demand on companies to respect human rights and labour rights in their operations, and to promote respect for such rights in their supply chains, including by conducting due diligence.

Making Just Transition Work through Stronger Workers’ Organizations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
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A just transition

Making Just Transition Work through Stronger Workers’ Organizations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries

The project aims to improve the technical knowledge, managerial capacity and policy influence of workers’ organizations in Malaysia and Viet Nam.

Future of Work in Textile and Clothing: Forecasting and Developing Skills in Viet Nam to Advance Decent Work and Productivity in the Sector
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Skills development

Future of Work in Textile and Clothing: Forecasting and Developing Skills in Viet Nam to Advance Decent Work and Productivity in the Sector

The project supports the Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to anticipate and address future skills needs in the garment sector in Viet Nam.

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies
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Skills development

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies

The project aims to increase capacity of ASEAN Member States to identify current skills mismatches, anticipate future skills needs and prevailing barriers to access by specific groups, and to generate evidence with a view to inform skills and employment-related policy formulation.

Strengthening the Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia
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Strengthening the Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia

The project aims to inform and create policy dialogue on the contributions of the social and solidarity economy to decent work and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific region

Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base
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Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base

The project aims to contribute towards creating an enabling legal and policy framework that could enhance the visibility and raise awareness about the contribution of SSE towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development and decent work.

Improved Compliance and Dialogue in Global Supply Chains in Viet Nam
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Improved Compliance and Dialogue in Global Supply Chains in Viet Nam

The project aims to support national partners in Viet Nam to further ensure the compliance with labour laws and meaningful sectoral and enterprise level dialogues for sustainable development of garment and electronics industries.

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Viet Nam - 4th phase)
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Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Viet Nam - 4th phase)

The project builds on the achievements made by the ILO/Japan project on 'promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN (2016 – 2019)' as well as other development cooperation projects.

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)
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Social protection

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)

The project builds on the achievements made by ‘the ILO/Japan project for promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN (2016 – 2019)’ as well as other development cooperation projects.

Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Programme Viet Nam
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Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Programme Viet Nam

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better – Project linked to electronics manufacturing in Viet Nam
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Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better – Project linked to electronics manufacturing in Viet Nam

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better
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Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery

Improving Safety and Health in the Coffee Supply Chain in Viet Nam (Vison Zero Fund Viet Nam)
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Improving Safety and Health in the Coffee Supply Chain in Viet Nam (Vison Zero Fund Viet Nam)

Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia - Indonesia
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Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia - Indonesia

The Project aims to promoting regular and safe labour migration among South East Asian countries in fishing and seafood processing sectors.

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)
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Labour migration

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)

GOALS project is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly and regular for all women and men from Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.

Support to the state management agencies of labour’s role as mediator and promoter of collective bargaining and social dialogue (NIRS Canada)
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Industrial relations

Support to the state management agencies of labour’s role as mediator and promoter of collective bargaining and social dialogue (NIRS Canada)

Trade for Decent Work Project
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ILO Conventions application

Trade for Decent Work Project

The project supports the effective implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the EU- Viet Nam free trade agreement (EVFTA), contributing to sustainable global trade with social justice. It is part of the global project “Trade for Decent Work” supporting a number of target countries, including Viet Nam.