All projects in country
Quality Apprenticeship and Lifelong Learning in China – Phase 2
The project provides capacity building on quality apprenticeship, skill anticipation and matching, and core skill development with focuses on social inclusion and the green transition. The project aims to promote workers’ employability, reduce job-skill mismatch in the labour market in China, and enhance international exchanges on apprenticeships and lifelong learning.
European Union and ILO
Improving China’s Institutional Capacity towards Universal Social Protection (Phase 2)
The Project is financed by the European Union under the “Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).”
Eliminating poverty and HIV related employment discrimination
Under the UN HIV Joint Program Framework, the ILO will focus on eliminating poverty and HIV related employment discrimination
Labour migration
Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)
GOALS project is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly and regular for all women and men from Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.
Quality apprenticeship and lifelong learning in China
The project aims to collaborate with Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, employers’ and workers’ organizations in China in developing a more responsive skill development system, adapted to labour market changes and technological development, in order to reduce job-skill mismatch highlighted in the labour market need analysis. It consists of three main components: research, capacity building and the adaptation of relevant ILO tools for quality apprenticeship and skill development.
Multidisciplinary Research on Poverty, Inequality and HIV and AIDS
The project is under the Plan of the Joint UN Team on AIDS in China.
European Union and ILO
Improving China’s Institutional Capacity towards Universal Social Protection (Phase 1)
The project is funded by the European Union under the EU’s Partnership Instrument “EU-China Cooperation on Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.”
Reducing AIDS Discrimination at workplace
The project is under the Plan of the Joint UN Team on AIDS in China.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - China
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in China is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in the electronics and textiles sectors. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Myanmar
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Myanmar is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in the seafood and agricultural export industries.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Thailand
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of national and multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Thailand is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in the vehicle parts industry and the meat, fruit and vegetable sectors of the agriculture industry. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
Multinational enterprises and social policy, EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Philippines
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Philippines is working to promote respect for human rights and labour and environmental standards in agricultural export supply chains. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Viet Nam
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Vietnam is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in wood processing and seafood/aquaculture industries. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Phase III - China
Sustaining Competitive and Responsible enterprises (SCORE) is a practical training and in-factory counselling programme that improves productivity and working conditions in small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The Future of Work in Information and Communication Technology
Support to the Rights and Entitlements of Persons with Disabilities (China)
This UN joint programme intends to develop the capacity of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) and government to advance the rights of persons with disabilities.
Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain
This project will contribute to the implementation of Decent Work in the cotton supply chain by supporting the implementation of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in China. It will also support social dialogue on fundamental principles and rights at work at the national and industry levels (national, industry level, workplace and communities), with the aim of supporting a viable system of industrial relations.
Rights at Work: promoting harmonious labour relations through collective bargaining in China
This project aims to build the institutional capacity of Chinese workers, employers, and their respective organizations to carry out voluntary collective bargaining and to resolve labor disputes efficiently and effectively. The program further aims to support the ILO's tripartite constituents in China to strengthen collective bargaining institutions and governance frameworks for the promotion and improved application of core labor standards, especially in relation to disadvantaged groups of workers.
Rights at Work: Promoting Harmonious Labour Relations through Collective Bargaining in China
The project is to strengthen collective bargaining processes and institutional capacity for more inclusive & sound labour relations at various levels.
EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project
The Project represents a third phase of EU-IOM-ILO partnership on migration management in China. It aims at maximizing the benefits of international migration and focuses on the four pillars of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility framework that are of common interest to both European and Chinese stakeholders.