All projects in country
Inclusive Labour Market for Job Creation
Improved labour market institutions that encapsulate and/or have the capacity to develop legislative and policy frameworks, as well as deliver services, which will lead to a well-functioning labour market that generates decent work opportunities.
Improved Compliance with Labour Laws in Georgia
The project supported the Government of Georgia to enforce labour laws and International Labour Standards (ILS), supported workers’ organizations to improve their capacities to represent workers’ rights and fostered national tripartite social dialogue.
Child labour
Global research on child labour measurement and policy development (MAP) Project
Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work - Georgia
Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Second Phase
The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and provision of protection and assistance to actual and potential victims.
Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and empowerment of actual and potential victims.
Partnerships for youth employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States (YEP CIS)
Career guidance videos
Career guidance videos