All projects in country
Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base
The project aims to contribute towards creating an enabling legal and policy framework that could enhance the visibility and raise awareness about the contribution of SSE towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development and decent work.
Initiative on advancing the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
The project aims to ensure statistics on cooperatives are reliable, coherent, and internationally comparable, in order to quantify economic and social impact of cooperatives. It is a step towards implementing the international Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives. It includes country case studies on Costa Rica, Italy, Republic of Korea, Türkiye, and Tanzania.
Dignità in campo in Italy
The main aim of the project is to prevent new forms of labour exploitation in the agricultural sector and to promote new practices in social economy through pilot actions in two territories in Italy.
Labour Market Inventory Projects
Inventory of Labour Market Policy Measures in the EU 2008-13
The second inventory analyses how member states of the European Union have responded to the dramatic impact of the financial crisis of 2007/08 on their labour markets, and investigates to what extent those policies were successful in mitigating that negative impact. It is the result of the collaboration between the ILO and the European Commission and was completed in December of 2015.