All projects in country
Business Partnerships and Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals in Albania
The project implemented by multiple UN agencies including the ILO, will assist companies on how to restructure production in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Green Agenda.
Businesses contribute to Sustainable Development Goals in Albania
The new project implemented by multiple UN agencies, including the ILO will assist companies on how to restructure production in line with the UN Sustainable Develeopment Goals and the EU Green Agenda.
Enabling Employment Opportunities for Asylum Seekers in Albania
The project aims to increase opportunities for the labour market integration of asylum seekers, refugees and other individuals granted international protection in Albania.
Empowering Women Against Covid-19 (EWAC) in Albania
The project objective is to support women in the textile and footwear industry to withstand the negative impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on their livelihood and prepare the ground for a short-term return to work under safer and improved health and safety conditions.
Strategic policy options for SDG financing in Albania
This joint programme aims to provide technical assistance and work with the government to identify and integrate in the national budgetary framework more equitable and adequate financing for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Women’s empowerment through inclusive, sustainable and green business models in the upper basin of the Vjosa river, Albania
The ILO has joined forces with UN Women for an intervention that stimulates sustainable and environmentally friendly job creation in the Upper Basin of the Vjosa River in southern Albania.
Catalyzing Municipal Social Protection in Albania
The ILO/UNICEF joint programme aims to solve the lack of Municipal level ownership over the provision of social protection services to those at the greatest risk of being left behind in their communities.
Western Balkans
Employment and Social Affairs Platform
Phase 2 of this regional project funded by EU will continue working on peaceful settlement of labour disputes, improving labour inspections, and strenghtening economic and social councils as platforms for policy dialogue (see also In addition, the project will start working on combating undeclared work.
Access to Justice in Labour Disputes through Mediation and Conciliation in Albania
The project aims to improve access to justice for all, including vulnerable groups of workers through peaceful settlement of labour disputes, collective bargaining and collective agreements, and the creation of informed policies on amicable settlements of labour disputes.
Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
The overall objective of the project is to make national and local labour markets more inclusive. The project seeks to ensure that labour market institutions at the national and local levels have improved capacities to design and implement, in partnership with the private sector and the civil society, inclusive policies and programmes for individuals at risk of social and labour market exclusion.
Decent Work Country Programme
Decent Work Country Programme of Albania 2017 - 2021
This DWCP and its priorities and outcomes are agreed upon after an extensive process of consultation with ILO's constituents in the country. The strategic priorities and outcomes will be pursued during the period 2017-2021 through joint action of the authorities and Social Partners in Albania and the ILO.
ILO project to increase the effectiveness of tripartite and bipartite social dialogue, including collective bargaining and dispute resolution in Albania
The ILO will assist Albania in establishing regional social dialogue, strengthening collective bargaining and improving the existing amicable labour disputes settlement mechanism.
Western Balkans
Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans
The sub-regional Project will assist the Western Balkan countries and territory to build more inclusive labour markets by promoting an integrated approach to employment and social policies.
Western Balkans
Economic and Social Affairs Platform Project in the Western Balkans
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will jointly create a sub-regional Western Balkans Platform on Employment and Social Affairs in order to strengthen subregional cooperation in adopting and implementing effective labour market and social policy reforms.
Decent Work Country Programme
Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Albania 2012 - 2015
The primary boal of the ILO is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. DWDPs promote decent work as a key component of development policies and at the same time as a national policy objective of governments and social partners.
Capacity Building, Information and Awareness Raising towards Promoting Orderly Migration in the Western Balkans
The project seeks to contribute to existing efforts towards promoting orderly migration within and from the Western Balkans
Employment, vocational training opportunities and migration policy measures to prevent and reduce trafficking in women
The capacity building component of the project related to the strengthening of migration policy management and the development of a system of regulation of the activities of private job placement agencies is complemented with small community-based pilot schemes providing to women victims of trafficking or potential victims with training or employment opportunities.