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Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Project Phase II
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Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Project Phase II

The BRMM Phase II programme, a three-year prolongation of the BRMM Phase I programme funded by the UK-FCDO is focusing on strengthening the capacities of countries in East and Horn of Africa to govern labour migration by using evidence-based policies, enhancing migrant workers' qualifications and skills, and actively engaging the social partners.

Understanding and improving women's work on digital labour platforms
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Understanding and improving women's work on digital labour platforms

The project explores the experiences of women on digital labour platforms in multiple sectors of the economy in India, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda. It builds evidence on the emerging opportunities and challenges platforms create to provide guidance for ensuring decent working conditions on platforms.

The FAIRWAY Programme
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The FAIRWAY Programme

© Photo: Leila Alaoui / ILO, Design: Alexandros Chatzipanagiotou / ILO The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons
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Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons

The Partnership has a four-year initial time horizon (2019-2023). Financially supported by the Netherlands, partners will join their efforts to develop a new paradigm in responding to forced displacement crises.

Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL AFRICA)
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Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL AFRICA)

Through an integrated approach, the project seeks to promote enhanced national legislation and policies, to address the basic needs and rights of children engaged or at risk of Child Labour

Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)
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ACCEL Africa Project

Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)

Employment Diagnostic Analysis
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Employment Diagnostic Analysis

Generate stakeholder understanding on job-rich inclusive economic growth and just structural transformation

Development of evidence-based practical advice on hazardous child labour and strengthening social dialogue in selected countries to combat hazardous child labour in tobacco-growing
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Child labour: in tobacco-growing

Development of evidence-based practical advice on hazardous child labour and strengthening social dialogue in selected countries to combat hazardous child labour in tobacco-growing

Unleashing African Entrepreneurship Initiative Youth Entrepreneurship Facility, Uganda.
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Unleashing African Entrepreneurship Initiative Youth Entrepreneurship Facility, Uganda.

Youth unemployment is a serious and growing challenge in developing countries, especially in the African continent. It is no doubt a real threat to socio-political and economic stability in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Some of the underlying causes of youth unemployment include lack of supportive business environment; lack of entrepreneurial culture; lack of requisite entrepreneurship skills; lack of access to affordable finance; lack of evidence-based information upon which policy makers can make informed decisions; and limited involvement of the youth in matters pertaining to their livelihood.

Country level engagement and assistance to reduce child labour (CLEAR) Project
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Child labour: CLEAR Project

Country level engagement and assistance to reduce child labour (CLEAR) Project

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
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Child labour: GAP 11

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project

Combating child labour through education in Bolivia, Indonesia, Mali and Uganda Project
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Child labour and education

Combating child labour through education in Bolivia, Indonesia, Mali and Uganda Project

Kenya and Uganda: Green entrepreneurship development
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Kenya and Uganda: Green entrepreneurship development

In 2010, based on a request from stakeholders, the Green Jobs Programme formed a partnership with the ILO Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF) to promote green youth entrepreneurship.

Joint UN programme on gender equality for Uganda
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Joint UN programme on gender equality for Uganda

ILO’s component under this programme aims to promote employment and non-discrimination towards women in Uganda.

Trade and Employment in the Global Crisis
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Trade and Employment in the Global Crisis

What began as a financial crisis in industrialized countries has rapidly become a global jobs crisis. Trade and FDI are two of the main channels through which the financial crisis has been transmitted to developing and transition economies. In this context, the ILO has conducted a range of country level studies to evaluate the employment impact of changes in trade and FDI flows during the global crisis and at providing policy guidance to policy makers on how to address those impacts. Relevant work has been conducted in the following countries: Brazil, Egypt, India, Liberia, South Africa, Uganda and Ukraine. The findings of this country level work are summarized in a publication co-published with Academic Foundation: “Trade and Employment in the Global Crisis”. Key topics covered include how changes in trade flows affect the labour market, the role of price volatility and demand shocks in the recent crisis and how export concentration makes countries more vulnerable.

Support of the Uganda National Action Plan (SNAP) Project
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Uganda SNAP Project

Support of the Uganda National Action Plan (SNAP) Project

Cooperative Facility for Africa - CoopAfrica
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Cooperative Facility for Africa - CoopAfrica

The Cooperative Facility for Africa - CoopAfrica is a technical cooperation programme of the ILO, under DFID funding. From its office in Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), CoopAfrica covers 9 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. CoopAfrica assists cooperatives to improve their governance, efficiency and performance in order to strengthen their capacity to create jobs, access markets, generate income, reduce poverty, provide social protection and give people a voice in society.

Microfinance for Decent Work: Action Research
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Microfinance for Decent Work: Action Research

Safety and Health in Construction in East Africa
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Safety and Health in Construction in East Africa

HIV & AIDS and the World of Work
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HIV & AIDS and the World of Work

The HIV&AIDS and the world of work project in Uganda commenced in 2005 in response to the need to mitigate the socio-economic impact of HIV&AIDS on labour.