All projects in country
Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct
Funded by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the project aims at supporting a human-centred recovery from recent disruptions in the global supply chains.
Skills development and responsible business conduct
Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
The project aims at putting in place supportive measures to accompany all enterprises efforts to promote responsible business conduct in line with international labour standards and in harmony with the country’s development priorities.
Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
Employment promotion and South-South cooperation
Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN
The Project seeks to enhance collaboration between China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to promote South-South cooperation among ASEAN Member States in the areas of employment, public employment services, and entrepreneurship development.
Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)
The project is one of the ILO's efforts to support Indonesia by accelerating just energy transitions (JET) away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities by supporting to develop plans for a just transition away from coal to renewable energy and other sustainable economic activities with a focus in the regional level.
The Care Economy in Indonesia
To advance women’s right to decent work including in Indonesia, there is an urgent need to focus on the structural barriers already faced by women in all facets of their life, which place them at a greater risk of further exclusion and poverty.
Tripartism and social dialogue
Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC)
Funded by the Government of Japan, the RISSC project aims to build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable global supply chains as an entry point and catalyst for advancing decent work, addressing human and labour right risks, and building forward better from recent global disruptions, including COVID-19 pandemic.
Tripartism and social dialogue
Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Indonesia
Funded by the Government of Japan, the RISSC project aims to build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable global supply chains as an entry point and catalyst for advancing decent work, addressing human and labour right risks, and building forward better from recent global disruptions, including COVID-19 pandemic. In Indonesia, the RISSC project focuses on the electronics manufacturing sector.
Building Social Protection Floors for All - Phase II
The project aims to provide the ILO’s stakeholders with analysis and knowledge on the role of social insurance schemes in the context of climate change.
Strengthening Industrial Relations in Indonesia Project
The programme builds the capacity of garment sector workers and their representatives to effectively organize and represent all workers in Indonesia’s garment sector. and participate more actively and inclusively in key national policy advocacy.
Promoting SME Enterprises through Improved Entrepreneurs’ Access to Financial Services (PROMISE II IMPACT)
The Project aims to strengthen the enabling environment to drive a more inclusive financial sector for SMEs, generating post-pandemic economic growth and employment opportunities.
Skills development
Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies
The project aims to increase capacity of ASEAN Member States to identify current skills mismatches, anticipate future skills needs and prevailing barriers to access by specific groups, and to generate evidence with a view to inform skills and employment-related policy formulation.
Promotion of C190 Ratification and Prevention of Violence and Harassment at Work in Indonesia
The programme focuses on promoting gender equality and non-discrimination in a context of future of work and promotes Indonesia’s ratification of C190 that cover all the workers.
Enhancing COVID-19 Prevention at and through Workplaces: Job creation through Business Re-opening and Continuation
The project aims to enhance COVID-19 prevention measures at and through workplaces amidst of the pandemic that will facilitate business re-opening, continuation and expansion.
Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Viet Nam - 4th phase)
The project builds on the achievements made by the ILO/Japan project on 'promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN (2016 – 2019)' as well as other development cooperation projects.
Social protection
Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)
The project builds on the achievements made by ‘the ILO/Japan project for promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN (2016 – 2019)’ as well as other development cooperation projects.
Child labour and forced labour
Multi Partner Fund
The pooled funding mechanism of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab to step up the fight against child labour and forced labour.
Employment and Livelihood Project
This joint project between ILO, UNDP, UNHCR and UNAIDS aims to support women and vulnerable groups in Indonesia that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
Workers' rights in rural sectors
Improved Workers' Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a Focus on Women
This ILO project, funded by the US Department of Labor (US DOL), aims to improve the promotion and compliance to labour laws, occupational safety and health, and gender equality in the rural sectors in the Philippines and Indonesia, with a focus on women workers.
Workers' rights in rural sectors
Improving Workers’ Rights in Rural Sectors of Indonesia with a focus on Women
The project, funded by the US Department of Labour (USDOL), aims to promote labour laws compliance, occupational safety and health and gender equality in the Indo-Pacific.